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Everything posted by mbalsinger

  1. Wouldn't that be wonderful? I don't think it's good chances he would land in the MAC...let alone Akron...but I do love when we snatch up those former 4-star recruits from other teams.
  2. This is true...but I think we should also note that many of the students don't stay long for the game. Many scan in for free stuff/Roowards points...stay for a little while and then leave. Even with the Lady Zips doing so well this season, I dare to say there were not 1000 people in those games.
  3. But isn't this what the Cowboys like to do in recent years? Take a stab on a QB that no one is paying attention to. Tony Romo was an undrafted free agent from Eastern Illinois (of all places). I think everyone can agree that Romo's play can be terrible sometimes, but he's done quite well as the starting QB from a college team no-one's ever heard of. With the right coaching staff, maybe they can develop Dalton as well.
  4. Now if only Bowden could do that for Football...
  5. I'm loving this! The Lady Zips making it to the MAC Championship game was a huge surprise. With the additions that the Lady Zips have been making, as well as oustanding play by players on the team currently, we can probably look forward to MBB and WBB co-champions!
  6. I've been wanting an OSU Akron basketball game for a long time. There was most definately a point in the season last year had the Zips and Suckeyes played, I am confident the Zips would have come out on top.
  7. Wow, I really like him too. Lot of spunk! Thats the kinda player we need playing here at Akron.
  8. I'm sorry but this is embarrasing. Why do we ALWAYS have to be the punchline in a joke. Yes, we all understand that the @ZipsMBB was risky on Jerseys, but don't cut and paste it onto the scarves of our most successful team on campus....WHY WHY WHY!?!?!?!?!
  9. Considering that post was placed in 2006...
  10. Thanks. There's a lot more students like myself on campus, I guess the sad thing is that they often just give up because it's not worth dealing with the non-sense. And I completely agree with "will eat anything handed to them by administration" because that's exactly how they act. But I guess you act how you are treated, and UA's administration treat's it's students as if they are children, and not adults with valuable insight into how to improve UA. Though i'm not a big fan of OSU, there is something to be respected in how they present themselves. They have an image of caring and student empowerment where UA does not.
  11. I completely agree with what you're saying. I'm a senior on campus (about to graduate) and I've been trying for years now to turn what little things I can around to improve the overall atmosphere of UA, but have been met with CONSTANT ineptitude from the Administration/student leaders (if you can even call them that). Mostly a bunch of people pretending to care, or who think just because they have a position they must be good at it. C'mon UA why do we have to ALWAYS be the punch line in some joke...
  12. The thing that has been mind boggling to me; is when college athletics got off track. I know we all enjoy our college teams, but college sports as far as I'm concerned, should only be about supporting the school, academic programs and helping students who might not otherwise be able to get into college or pay for college, the ability to go to college. I've been lucky to be a student at a University that allows me to attend all games for free, but this should be the standard for ALL college athletics. Of a good number of seats should be sold to the general public, but student's should have to buy tickets to games ($300 a season for schools like OSU) on top of tuition and student fees. If it weren't for the students in the first place these programs wouldn't exist. There's too many people making WAY TOO MUCH money on college athletics to allow it to stand.
  13. Do we have confirmation on this? Where did you hear that report from?
  14. This is why I was so mad about the Lebron James bobblehead give away. We glorify him becaaaaaaaaaaaause why?
  15. Great article! Looking forward to a new season of soccer with new coach! Does anyone know who our new goal keeper is going to be? I'm embarresed to say I don't know who is stepping into Meves' large shoes. We've got three other GK on the roster... http://www.gozips.com/sports/msoc/2012-13/roster
  16. Totally in for the Michigan game! I went to the Akron vs. OSU and Akron vs. Tennessee games. Tennessee game was lots of fun, supposed to be a blow out the entire game but we were in it till the end! Tenn fans all around me were extremely nervous! However, they were much nicer to me than the OSU fans...
  17. I'm findind myself getting really mad at all the "analysts" I mean really? VCU is apparently going to blow us out. I will admit, I was shaken a bit when AA was arrested, I really didn't think we'd make it. After watching us buckle under Can't I really felt like I'd been hit by a car. But I kept hoping that it was maybe possible. But after watching the team practice today, I refuse to believe they'll be blownout. Not with this capable coach, not after what we've been through. Seriously, being an ESPN analyst is the easiest job in the world. You don't have eo get things right...you don't have to do research...just cut and paste and repeat, or look at the stat lines without any context.
  18. It's so great that the Lady Zips have been such a fantastic season. Jodi Kest really has turned this team into something special. We all need to get up to the Q tomorrow and show them true Zips support!
  19. That's awesome to hear, especially from Seth Davis. I think the AP and many lazy media outlets will likely strike the Zips for a loss to Buffalo, but honestly every team is warranted a mulligan. Better now then in the MAC Tourney or in the NCAA tourney.
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