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Big Zip

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Everything posted by Big Zip

  1. I have HD footage of my daughter playing every sport she has been and just playing in the yard. How is it that HS recruiting footage makes the Zabruder film look like high quality?
  2. I really want to see the team show their killer instinct this weekend. Come out hard, get them down and then step on their throat.
  3. I just got home...what is going on? Did the boys decide to extend their first 10 minutes to the whole game? They look absolutely terrible. WOW!
  4. Just noticed ESPN Gameday co-oped Macklemore and Ryan Lewis' Can't Hold Us for their show open. I'd love to see an open for the Can't game (at least) using this song. It is a perfect song for this team. The first line "Return of the Mack" is for Macklemore but it fits so well with our MAC conference. Would love to see highlights over the rap at the beginning and then the chorus is a perfect fit for this team. The chorus kicks in at about 1:30 on the video. Chorus: Can we go back, this is the moment Tonight is the night, we’ll fight till it’s over So we put our hands up like the ceiling can’t hold us like the ceiling can’t hold us (repeat) And if they really wanted to kick-up a notch they could skip the second verse and the band could join in. If you fast forward to 3:06 the trumpets kick in and could be an awesome introduction that leads right into the announcer with telling everyone to get up on their feet. If you can't tell I had a lot of time at the airport yesterday with the snow and then a 3 hour flight on top of it.
  5. I'm actually pretty puzzled by this board. He placed a quote from Alex directly in the middle of the article "It's finally time for our national recognition". Hell on the radio with Steve and Joe he said he's been dreaming of a national championship and I've seen guys on the team tweeting #finalfour. Additionally, to act like people on this board weren't pissed when we didn't get a postseason invite after the 26 win season is revisionist history. I love this team but at the end of the day the seven finals games and two wins is a terrible percentage. Our OOC games are always terrible. Hell we lost to Coastal Carolina and I think some of the team stayed on the bus against Creighton. I feel like this is the first time when this team was on a big stage with some national attention ESPNU they actually came through. Will Keith once again tell us how the BracketBuster game doesn't matter prior to the game then go out and lead his team to a loss on national TV like last year? Now was it poor form to write the column I'm in agreement. I don't understand what instigates an article like this and some of the references to VCU and Butler. I think we actually discuss being like Gonzaga on this board more than those schools. (In fact for a moment Saturday the announcer called us the Zags so we reached out goal. ) I would have much rather seen an article talking about what Akron needs to do to earn national recognition without taking the shots he takes in the article. Ultimately I'd like this article to go up in the Zips locker framed on the wall. Let this article serve as national recognition is earned and the first step in earning it is earning the NCAA berth and then actually winning the first game in the tournament because you can't win multiple games unless you win that first one.
  6. I understand Dambrodt's love for man-to-man defense but I think it has been part of our problem when playing OU. There big men don't want to play down low so our big man follow them outside which leaves the lane open. I've love to see us try something different tomorrow against OU. I may be the only one but I hate to see Z out guarding Cooper. It drove me nuts in the finals last year.
  7. Walsh to Harney to Treadwell to Marshall....prettiest play of the year.
  8. What are the chances the Zips come out flat again tonight. I want so bad for this team to play with a sense of urgency all the time. I want them to beat teams like BGSU and other MAC schools by 20. I'm hoping the Buffalo game was a wake up call and the team comes out with a high level of energy tonight.
  9. Kind of an interesting list where Harney ends up above Treadwell. I'm not sure I see it the same way. I will say from being at the game last Saturday -- I liked McCrea -- he is huge. Dude could really be a force next year. He certainly didn't appear to be 6'7".
  10. I tweeted it out last night and got no response from George Thomas. In game he called it "a wee bit questionable". Really wasn't too questionable to me but as GameChanger pointed out last night it was Zeke's words that earned the "T" not hanging on the rim as originally thought.
  11. @LZip I think you're delusional if you think our program is as attractive as Can't's program now. We've had three wins in the last three seasons. Can't has had more wins than that in October and November each (4) last year. It is so very sad but true. TB has a terribly difficult sales job to do here in Akron. I really feel Tom Wistricill's damage with the football program is far beyond any success he has managed at Akron. The complete failure of our most high profile sport is pathetic. As for Jason Hall I think it is important to note he is the AD at Massillon. I'm guessing he is trying to protect his athletes and he has had the conversations GP1 is suggesting he has with this athletes. I also believe if the coach at Cincy wants to come and have a conversation with him this will all be water under the bridge. I don't know Jason but from what I've seen of him he is not has half cocked as this article suggests.
  12. I hate the recording of the National Anthem played at the JAR prior to Zips games. I can't believe we can't find someone to sing or play the National Anthem prior to every game. It seems to me it has to be lack of trying.
  13. Comical...my ego has nothing to do with 10 guys in short pants who play a game twice a week, but the performance by those guys was pretty poor last night. Glad to see you don't think so -- thanks for your contribution to the conversation. Way to make it about me.
  14. Zips aren't good enough to to look past anyone. This game was embarrassing.
  15. Pretty interesting article from Dan Le Batard on Jason Taylor and what he went through to suit up on Sundays. I think these guys are crazy for some of the stuff they do to stay on the field on Sundays and this article paints the picture pretty vividly (I hurt just reading the article). This guys are definitely gladiators and I appreciate that Jason realizes this was his decision to go through what he went through to play. I think it says a lot about the state of football as we all rush to judgement regarding concussions and body damage undergone by players at all levels. I have to believe many if not all of the players feel like Jason....they knew the consequences and realized the damage it was doing to their body. There are many hypocrites among former NFLers who claim they didn't realize the damage they were doing to their bodies. It feels to me like a smoker who didn't realize inhaling smoke into their lungs was going to damage them...I have a hard time believing it. http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/01/13/v-fu...ylors-pain.html
  16. Isn't Lebron the one who donated the $ to build the team lounge?
  17. Last weekend I watched WMU play NC State close for a half and then they ran out of steam. I was pretty impressed with their discipline during the first half but it started to fade toward the end of the half -- game was 32-32 with 2 minutes to go in the half -- half time score was 43-36. The second half it really trailed off. It appeared to me they weren't very deep as a lot guys seemed to play the bulk of the minutes which could bode well for us.
  18. http://www.cantonrep.com/newsnow/x65623640...ansfer-to-Walsh
  19. I hate to say it but Dambrodt's attitude of "it's the MAC it doesn't matter what we do the rest of the year" is why we start slow. The kids know the coach doesn't give a shit so they don't work as hard as they should to win those games. Don't get me wrong -- it isn't a conscious effort but their lack of urgency is directly tied to Dambrodt's attitude.
  20. There are so many options for these types of get events every year yet the MAC doesn't take advantage of them. Would love to see a MAC/A10 tourney or a MAC/MVC tourney or even OVC. I'd love to see all All-Ohio three or four day tourney at the Q too. The basketball played in this state would be great to highlight.
  21. The twitter hash tag for the MAC Championship was #MACtion
  22. The top players in HS routinely play on the Varsity team as Freshman and it doesn't matter if you go to a small school or a big school. Mentor is a perennial top school in NE Ohio Basketball that plays Freshman....and by the way very few if any go on to play Div. 1 Basketball.
  23. I'd love to see Tree on him the entire game. Tell Tree we need you to stop him. One on one....muscle up with him and make him work for everything he gets.
  24. Interesting 100 thoughts on 100 College Basketball teams....not much information but they do predict a winning percentage for the Zips at .792 (23.75 wins). http://deadspin.com/5961804/100-thoughts-a...dium=socialflow
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