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Everything posted by AK-Zips

  1. pardon the all caps response... YOU WILL NOT WIN; WE WILL PEAY ON YOUR PARADE! thank you for your time. this message has been brought you by a common sense-driven Zips fan.
  2. I believe it is named the Wolstein Center after the late Bart Wolstein. i think that's his point.
  3. what's with all of the porn stuff that has popped up on this website recently?
  4. He has only played football for two years. He's a bit of a project, but his combination of size and speed was immensely impressive in our on-campus camps. People are pretty excited about him. Thanks Cap'N!
  5. we were already ahead of them.. this verbal is nowhere t obe found; not even his name. any idea? Cap'n i DO believe you because i know you are a credible source but is he a guy used to fill a need like small-time, project, type of player. Is there a link?
  6. because nestor doesn't work there anymore! He did not exaclty see eye-to-eye with the new administration so they got rid of him... errrr... he knew some people at Maryland and got a job there... He was shown the door. Also, he was not very personable at the spring games and times i have talked to him and seen him. Akron is better for it!
  7. it has been done a few times in the last couple of years. Namely 2005 soccer game vs. OSU which still is the highest attended soccer game on campus, ever, and also the 2005 spring football game. I even went ot goodwill and bought a $2 OSU t-shirt just so i could trade it for an Akron shirt. Ifelt that i did two good deeds here. one, i got a new Akron shirt for $2 and two, i got one OSU shirt off the local rack and it's now in tennessee somewhere! thank you thank you! they should bring this back... it would be huge!
  8. this is one of the funniest things i have seen on this board... ever! all of my coworkers think this is so great! good work!
  9. Here is your box score!Intajuice box score
  10. I love it.GP, to go back to what you are said is not entirely correct about the same people doing the same things. People who "get it" can succeed in any market because they do their research to understand their customer and how to reach them most effectively. It's an ingenious concept that i think we can all agree on.
  11. you are missing nothing. The links really DON'T WORK! Here's to you marketing staff!
  12. guys this is miami and will be lower scoring..... Akron 67 - Miami 62
  13. DAY 76!Here we go marketing staff here we go! **clap clap!**(rinse and repeat)
  14. I think i'll print out this thread and hand it over to the ticket office before friday's game. Maybe, just maybe someone will put together a website that any third grade class will be proud of. baby steps people... baby steps.DAY 75!Zipalumn i think you are right. this is a hopeless cause for concern. However i will keep this up until the next home game where i print out the thread and turn it in. after that i will bury this thread right along with the marketing department.
  15. AK-ZIPS log for December 26, 2006. There still appears to be no life in regards to public knowledge of any promotions or other happenings in Zips Athletics.DAY 74 ... and counting!Go Zips beat Loyola Marymount!
  16. First off i want to wish everyone a merry christmas and a joyous holiday season!Secondly, today is DAY 72!Here we go Zips!
  17. Day 71!... and this number is just since the the beginning of the basketball season. Can you imagine if i counted back into August at the start of the footbal season?!next up Loyola Marymount! oooooooh aaaaaaaaah = WIN!
  18. Running clock is at DAY 70... There are still no signs of life on the promotions page of GoZips.com or the Ak-ROWDIES homepage. By the way, it's hard to blame the student group for their own website when athletics own the rights to the domain name and hosting according to the 'whois' directory. The rights don't expire until July 13, 2008. I love public information. So this puts the blame of the student group website AND their own promotions page!!! Pathetic!
  19. Zipsnation, i have found the long lost promotions for Akron basketball this season. There appears to be a white-out for the Nevada game! Go to the GoZips.com homepage and click promotions or just Click here. So, yes that was a joke, but in all seriousness at least the Ak-ROWDIES homepage has been updated from last year. Again, go to the GoZips.com homepage or www.AK-ROWDIES.com. Again, another joke! That's all i can take. The season started on November 13th. At least a good rule of thumb would be to have the promotions from your marketing plan laid out for the public 30 days in advance. 30 days before the first game against UALR would be October 13th! It has been 69 days since the public should have been notified of the promotions for the basketball season! Each day i will be posting an additional day that has gone by without public knowledge of promotions being done for men's basketball!
  20. dude, you know how i know you're gay? you let them manipulate you into believeing it was for the 'right cause' rather than seeing the undermined bottom line. they were trying to make a quick buck rahter than leave an empty seat. over break and under certain circumstacnes i get that. it was in the way that the situation was handled and publicly announced. not at the beginning of the year or any other release other than a ucik sentence that said it was happening. END OF STORY.
  21. what do you want to see during basketball games? what are your favorite promotions? contests? other ideas?Let's help the new admin do their job so they can take all the credit for it later. that sounds bad, but seriously, if we want a better atmosphere and we want certain things to happen, why not voice them here and compile a list. READY??? ... GO!
  22. please... step off the soapbox lizzy! come on. they have to be trying at least. It must be difficult to come into a situation where people loved the folks that were in marketing before. of course you are going to be be harder on us. just give them time and you will like the mas much as Waddell, Newhouse, Olivett, Butler and that whole crew. did you just say "harder on us"? hm.... maybe the admin DOES read/post here afterall.
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