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Captain Kangaroo

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Captain Kangaroo last won the day on March 7

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  1. Under the "Looking ahead" category - anyone else think the Zips BB ticket prices will jump appreciably this coming year? Fielding a team has certainly become much more expensive over the past couple seasons.
  2. Hey...he's the Ohio State kid! In Akron, 6' 6" is the new 7'.
  3. Guthrie couldn’t seal the deal and convince a guy the Fordham program is a better place to be than Kent?!
  4. Yes. YSU kid…CMU kid…and Ohio State kid are the front runners (Per CKPom and CKBPI).
  5. Conner is a free walk on (since his dad is a UA employee). I don't see the BB program adding a scholarship player, likely an out-of-$tate transfer, to replace a free roster spot. As someone earlier stated - it is better to spend any available $15,000 on an incumbent player(s) who's paid their dues and who would actually see the floor than giving said scholarship money to someone ranking between #13 and #15 on the depth chart.
  6. Amen. The #14 guy on the Zips bench will never see meaningful minutes. Spots 13-15 should be reserved for walk-on’s.
  7. It’s as plain as the nose on your face…Power Conferences take the best and brightest mid-major players…and give us their unwanted table scraps in return. We get the best and brightest of the D2 crop, but that doesn’t nearly offset the NIL/Portal talent loss. If this system were in place 25 years ago, the MAC would never have seen the likes of Bonzi Wells, Brandon Hunter, Gary Trent, Chris Kaman, Earl Boykins, Wally Szerbiak, Antonio Brown and on and on. The Zips have some good fortune in having a great coach and someone to pay a few player’s NIL funds. But that can end tomorrow, and we’ll be fielding teams that have zero chance of ever being more than Round 1 NCAA tournament fodder. I hate it.
  8. I remember Dambrot saying "I'm not going anywhere. I'm an old man" for years when questions arose about him moving on. And then, he was gone. Words don't mean much. If Groce moves on I'll be severely bummed. The next guy won't be as good. He could be the Zips next Coleman Crawford? So I'll enjoy JG while we've got him.
  9. Cheese, Banks, Williams, Christian-Jackson…that was the crew that had the best chance to do some post season damage. Elite shooting, size, height, athleticism. Oh well…
  10. It’s never a positive when your team is quoted as receiving “an absolute beat down”. Get that YSU center asap.
  11. A Mount Saint Mary’s-esque tournament beat down.
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