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Everything posted by Zipgrad01

  1. I knew who App State was. I watched them play twice last year on tv including a beat down of YSU. Those boys can play with just about anyone and they proved it Saturday. Honestly, I thought they would play Michigan to within 10-14, but I never thought they would win.Still....they are 1-AA, so that win helps them gain respect, but people aren't going to be passing up scholarships at Michigan to play at Appy State.
  2. Honestly...I would rather just play OSU tough and win the MAC. Do you really think it helps our recruiting that much if we beat OSU, but then lose to teams like Buffalo, Temple, etc... and not win the conference or possibly make a bowl game? We need to be a consistent winner to get recruits. Being a 5-7 team that gets a big upset every year doesn't help. Right now we need to win MAC titles and go to bowl games every year while adding an upset here and there. Indiana would do just fine in that regard. If we win the MAC on a regular basis then we need to start popping one of the big boys to take the program to another level.
  3. FYI.....OSU has field turf this year, so even if it rains the field conditions won't get sloppy. The most that will happen is a wet ball, etc... If the weather is bad enough to affect the game because of wind or rain it would really hurt us. We are a spread team. We run from the spread and use misdirections, etc. We don't just pound the ball down peoples throat. I don't want to get in a pound away smash mouth game with OSU. We don't have the depth to do that and it isn't really our offenses niche anyway.
  4. We are a little thin at receiver, so maybe they can use Williams a little like USC used Bush. Kennedy gets most of the carries, but split Williams out every now and then because he has the athleticism to be a mismatch for linebackers.
  5. I agree. I saw the same sort of body language out of many of the OSU players during the YSU game. I think that Michigan game wakes everyone up a little bit. I think they realize they have to kick it up a notch this week or Akron will burn them in a few areas.Can't wait until Saturday!!
  6. That block was awesome. I was lucky enough to be focusing right on that play because I saw the Akron player coming right at him. By far the biggest cheer of the night. lol
  7. I have been an ass? Why? Because I don't drink the Kool Aid you dish out? Because I correct all your factual errors? Because I don't like to see the people of MY ALMA MATER act like cave men? That makes me an ass? If so, then I am an ass alright.I never said I was all knowing as you suggest. Also, I never said OSU posters were sad that people like you were being idiots. Frankly, most of them could care less what you say about them. They just laugh at you. If you are the star quarterback, do you really care what the 5'5 130 backup says about you? You just shake your head and say "little mans syndrome."Yes, YOU are a bad image to the university. Your actions are not of a person with a higher education. You act like the guy drinking his Busch Lite in the trailer park talking crap about his neighbor because he has something you don't.As for the 100 poster thing. There are 7 people on here posting right now. I guarantee there are not many more than 100 people on here that post regularly. 100 may even be stretching it. How is that an insult? It is just an educated guess from my observations of being on this board.Once again you say I am an OSU flag waver. How do you know I will be doing this Saturday? Will you be there to see me? Better yet...are you even an Akron graduate? Are you a season ticket holder? You have the balls to call me out for being an OSU fan when your lazy ass isn't even going to Columbus to support "your team." I, however, am going to support Akron. Um, OSU fans won't be assaulting Akron fans. They have no desire to assault fans of in state schools. Most of them will probably invite you to their tailgate party for a beer and wish you luck. You will always have your a-hole here and there making a comment, but they will be just fine as a whole. And a-hole....just for the record....do you want me to post my picture on here from the 01 game where I was in the shoe wearing my AKRON T-SHIRT and my AKRON HAT sitting in the stands getting my picture taken with Zippy? You don't know jack shit about anything, so please stop posting your replys. You just dumb down the audience.
  8. g-mann, I am not going to argue with you AGAIN today. Look for yourself and go to Buckeyeplanet and read what they are saying about Akron. NOBODY is ripping on Akron or the institution. They just sit back and say "wow. Wonder why these guys are acting like this!!" It makes us look bad. They talk about how they root for us any time we play an out of state opponent, etc... They wish nothing but success for our program and hope for a good game.As for their fans. Yeah, they have some very rude and a-hole fans, but most of them are pretty decent. All it takes are a few a-holes to ruin it for everyone. But, look how other universities feel about their fan base. They hate them. Do you want to be lumped in with that crowd? The comments on here are a good start to being lumped in with that crowd.When did you hear me say you need to say "yes sir, no sir?" I said don't be rude and start fights just for the sake of insulting an opponent!!! There is no need to talk about vomiting on a teams mascot when a poster is saying hello and looking to talk respectfully about your team. I don't care what team it is, it is uncalled for.You are right. This is a football competition, however, you aren't playing in the game are you? Therefore, you have no reason to act like an ass. As I said...there are always jabs back and forth, but these insults are beyond sportsmanlike. You are a fan. Act like one. Don't come at me by asking me what colors I will be wearing. Are you even going to the game? I will be there. As for the smack talk...it did get shifted there one time when we actually HAD a conversation about the OSU game. But, it got sent to the smack board when 2 of us got attacked for saying OSU had superior talent. My bad.
  9. Not your dad for one.No. Is that what you got from my 75% comment? I meant nothing of the sort. My main point is there is no need for adults to act like children and attack visiting posters. It makes us look uneducated and rude and it is not a good representation of our fine institution. I don't expect Akron or its fans to bow down to anyone. I, as well as the rest of you hope we go down there and kick their ass, but acting like little punks does not help this team beat OSU. Do you realize how many visiting posters are viewing these boards since we are playing OSU? A lot. Do want want some of this garbage to be the way that people view your university? I surely don't. Respect your opponent and their fans and let your team take care of business on the field. Granted, some fun jabbing back and forth is always fun, but the obnoxious insults are uncalled for. You gain respect for giving it, not by tossing insults. We haven't EARNED peoples respect yet as a fan base or a program. Acting like a child puts up back a notch or 2.
  10. You know...I have made it a point since Sunday to not come on this site because I knew I would probably get upset with all the garbage smack talk being thrown around. However, I never thought that people would take it to this level. OSU fans have come on this board to talk football and all they get are insults about them, their team, their school and basically everything else they comment on. They have been friendly and do not deserve the treatment they are getting. What is wrong with you guys? Grow up and be respectful of your opponent. You act like a bunch of 5 year olds and sadly enough it is people like you that hurt this programs image. You think your insults and smack talking is cute, but everyone on earth besides the 100 members of this board thinks you are an embarrassment to them and the institution in which you represent. If you can't have a civilized football conversation about the upcoming game just keep your mouths shut. Go to the OSU sites and see what they are saying about Akron. They are posting articles from spring ball, etc.. and discussing what looks we will bring their team. Not one person is ripping this university. They are posting some of your quotes and just laughing because it makes you look silly. I have read "little mans complex" about a dozen times. Haven't I said that to some of you before? Here we are....the little nobody MAC school that has won nothing, and you think it makes you look big and bad and proud to pick on the big guy. You guys remind me of high school. You are the little punk than runs your mouth about how good you are and how tough you are. You are the typical "little man" bully. What you can't make up in stature or accomplishments, you make up in shit talk. Just do everyone a favor and talk about the game. Leave your nuking and puking on Brutus comments, your Columbus insults, your OSU insults and your rude behavior to visiting posters at home.If you want to rip on me fine, but you are the ones that look like children. Just have fun and enjoy this week. It is big for the program. Lets not ruin it by being assholes. Unlike some of you....I am going to the game. I don't want to feel threatened because a few of you idiots decide to insult and piss off basically 75% of the state.
  11. You answered your question right there why they don't print more articles. People aren't clamoring for it and they don't show the interest. 60 responses for the Browns and 80 for the Buckeyes, yet 1 for Akron. These threads pop up time and time again and it is always the same thing over and over again.I hate sounding negative all the time, but what don't you guys get about it? You can't have zero demand for a product and expect the abj to spend the resources on covering it. It is just simple business 101.
  12. Gee, what a huge surprise the Browns drafted one of them. I have watched every Denver game so far except last night. I will catch the replay when they air it on NFL network. But, Hixon has been solid. He gets separation and he is a deep threat. Plus, we all know he is a good return guy. I just hope he stays health, unlike Schifino.
  13. No. I am talking about Quinn's performances thus far in the preseason. I have read all the practice reports about his down field accuracy. I am just commenting on the idiots in the browns sports forums.FYI...I am not a Quinn fan. Is that what you got from my previous post?
  14. A game in November shouldn't be a reason nobody attends. Ever been to a high school playoff game or a Browns game? I have watched a few high school playoff games in the snow and there was 25-30,000 people there. Crap weather doesn't stop real fans from going.LOLThey absolutely shove soccer down our throats. Look at all the tv movies about soccer. They make it seem like it is "cool" to play soccer. They show these high school soccer games with like 5,000 people in the stands. It is a joke. Look at the coverage about Beckham. That is all that was on the news for a while. Whether you like it or not, the media has been telling us for years that we should love soccer, yet nobody does. Besides, my soccer example was to prove that the media can't force the public to like something as you suggest. They can cover it, but the people decide where to spend their money. I am not saying soccer gets more coverage than football. But, for having lower tv ratings than womens beach volleyball (true statement) it gets way too much coverage.I do agree that if they do coverage that it should at least be decent. The little coverage we get is sub-par and incorrect half the time.Yes, it would hurt the bottom line to add a page or half a page of Zips sports in the abj. Do you realize what newspaper space costs? Call and put in a half or full page add and let me know if it is cheap.Again, you compare what the beat writers would do if it were Ohio State's qb battle. That is comparing apples and oranges. People care about Ohio State about 100 fold compared to Akron. OSU would sell out Browns stadium every week in Cleveland if they were playing Eastern Michigan Tech University School for the Blind.
  15. Unfortunately, that is the way it goes until the masses demand more coverage. The die hard fans will find out info in different ways such as this board, Rasor, etc... As much as I wish it wasn't the case, it is. I mean, they promote the hell out of the Can't game every year. Everyone on earth knows we are playing it, but does anyone show up at the games? No. Why would the ABJ or the tv news devote resources to cover it (which costs money by the way) in order to cover something that nobody cares enough about to go watch. Even the last several ACME ZIP games had about zero attendance. Does the paper cover Massillon and McKinley more than they cover Akron Coventry or Canton South? Yes. Why? Because the public cares about it and goes to the games. The public demands the coverage. It isn't because the media tells people to care about it. It is because they are historically winners, they have great fan support, they have great facilities and they play tough teams every week that people usually recognize.The media can only do so much. Look at soccer. The media has been trying to shove it down our throats for decades. Games get no ratings on tv and nobody watches the games in person. Team after team and league after league folds. Why? Because nobody cares about it. The media can't make people care. They can shove Zips coverage down peoples throats, but until the students, alumni and other area citizens start filling the stadium on a regular basis it won't matter. That is just the fact of the matter.
  16. I didn't say people here don't care. Obviously, I do or else I wouldn't be here and I wouldn't spend the money on season tickets, etc...That is not entirely true that people only care about what they are told to care about. I will agree in some instances, but not when it comes to following a college football team. I think you are right about the media being able to shape peoples thoughts about fashion, politics, etc.. because they only show one side and slander the other, but products need to sell themselves. The media coverage and advertising may get people to take enough interest to get them in the door once or twice, but the product on the field has to keep them coming back and keep the interest of the public. Right now it just doesn't. Part of that is the stadium. Part of that is our losing history. Part of that is the teams we play in Akron. Part of that is the poor image of our conference.I don't only have a negative attitude of the Zips program and that is not what I am trying to do one here. Some of you just can't take off the blue and gold colored glasses. You guys obviously love the team, so you find it frustrating that everyone else doesn't see what you see. It is frustrating, but you can't force people to feel like you in regards to Zips athletics. The product has to give them a reason to feel that way and the program hasn't done that to people.
  17. Yeah, but Quinn looks great throwing those 5 yard check off passes to running backs, doesn't he? He is killing those guys that will be working at Burger King, oh....next week!!I was on the Browns forum this morning and those jokers kill me. Frye threw that perfect deep ball to Edwards (who dropped it) and they still whined and moaned that it was Frye's fault they didn't score in his 2 series. They said they need to get the real player (Quinn) in the game because he puts up the points. lolDoes anyone else remember hearing this same crap with say, the last 8 Browns qb's that were waiting in the wings? I do.
  18. So let me get this straight.....you think a beat writer has to be a graduate of the university in which he is covering? You honestly think he is purposely not covering the team because he doesn't care and is a biased YSU grad?He isn't covering the team because nobody in Akron cares. When you have 8,000 people at the games, does it look like the public is showing any sort of interest in the program? High school games a lot of times draw as much or more than Zips home games. It isn't all him, it is that the community hasn't demanded more Zips coverage. If the consumer demanded it, the ABJ would be writing it.
  19. Ballgame. What a huge win for Can't. If Toledo or NIU can pull an upset this could be a hell of a weekend for the MAC.
  20. 1st down Can't with about 3 minutes left. That just about wraps it up. That is a huge win going to a Big 12 school and getting a W.
  21. Can't still up 23-14 with 8 minutes left in the 4th. I am trying, but I just can't get myself to root for them.
  22. Was that really necessary? Why don't we actually win a bowl game before we start making fun of Ohio State. Maybe they will make a "Zippy is our bitch" tee shirt after next weekend.
  23. And I will add ONE more just to be safe. Pretty much covers everything I have said. I know it is cars, but it applies to Akron football as well.My Webpage
  24. Here is another example...Big 3's reliance on incentives brings low-budget response.COPYRIGHT 2005 Chicago TribuneByline: Robert Manor and Rick PopelyDomestic carmakers still have an image problem.Even as the gap in quality between foreign and domestic cars has narrowed significantly over the past several years, many consumers are still buying based on a perception that Japanese cars are made better.The culprit? Detroit's continued reliance on incentives and zero percent financing has only contributed to the widening gulf between Detroit and Japan, according to analysts.An addiction to impulse-buying incentives has cut into profits.Even worse, some executives in the auto industry say, the deals, which get people into the showroom doors, imply that U.S. cars are inferior to imports."When you put cash on the hood, it makes your brand weak," said Elena Ford, Ford Motor Co.'s director of product marketing."Incentives demoralize the brand," she said.As the Big Three continue to overhaul their operations to try to compete better with their Japanese counterparts, marketing remains a key trouble spot.Though the auto industry had one of its best years on record last year, the Big Three's share of the U.S. market fell to an all-time low of 58.7 percent.Akron football is no different. These marketing ploys are like fads. That is why you get a big crowd at the ACME-Zips game and nobody shows up for the rest of the games. Fads get people there once or twice, but the product better be good enough to sustain the growth or you are just S.O.L
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