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Everything posted by Let'sGoZips94

  1. I agree with the fact that this team is progressing at a most stout rate. I think that you add Zeke to this team and who knows, a top 25 rank might be in the picture. However, we need to find a way to be more consistent on the offensive end. Our defense is amazing for how young a team we have. I think we'll do fine, just gotta get the offensive side more consistent. And I don't know about you, but I think we need to play Swiech a little more each game to at least get him some more experience but also to keep the excitement he brings.
  2. 1) I don't know. I don't want him to be here when the new stadium opens up, but we'll just have to see. 2) JUST DITCH THE 3-3-5 or whatever we play. It stops nothing. 3) I thought it real interesting that in pre-game last week before the Pussycats that JD said that Jacq was our for sure QB for next season. I think you have to give Matt Rogers his shot, especially since Jacq has had his many shots and mostly blown them. 4) All I have to say is: NO MORE POLES! 5) I think Dennis Kennedy is my MVP. He's been the most consistent and in my definition of MVP (the person who means the most to the team), DK certainly has meant the most to the Zips. 6) My underperformer(s) is Bowser, the defense, the coaching staff, and Jacq in key situations. Well can't wait for the pole-less INFO next year, and hopefully the start of a new beginning.
  3. Why do they keep dinking around the point!? We don't really care that we can't "host" it, all we care about is why it's moved to our opponents stadium. That's just stupid.
  4. http://northwestern.rivals.com/forum.asph Nothing about soccer though. Their athletics site is peeing their pants though about getting another home game: http://nusports.cstv.com/sports/m-soccer/s.../112608aab.htmlThis is just getting so out of control, it makes me want to go march up to the NCAA committee and give them all my 80 pound body can muster.
  5. See me? I'm the guy in the middle flipping the car and I'm the guy in the orange shirt in the background getting tossed by a policeman.
  6. Yea, but move it to our OPPONENT'S FIELD!? That's what I don't understand. It's an earnable task, and we earned it they didn't.
  7. ERRONEOUS! That's just crap. AND NORTHWESTERN IS CLOSER! Unbelieveable. :nutkick:AND NOW ITS AT NORTHWESTERN!? WOW. I MEAN WOW... where's the picture of Zippy flipping off the NCAA. BRING THAT BACK lol
  8. Wish I could do the same with school and a basketball scrimmage... Well I'll be there in spirit. Go Zips!
  9. Yea, the Browns are stupid, but I'm past that, GO ZIPS!
  10. Hixon- Hands Down! Cribbs is decent: quick, good cut-backs, and pretty darn good returner, but he can lack consistency. That's why I would go Hixon, because he's pretty consistent.
  11. They can't spell Special Teams either. Who's the Special Team's coach, fire Him! (I know its JD so he needs to fire himself).But we can spell CHOKE! Unbelieveable.
  12. Totally agree Hip Zip. I think another person who we saw what he's really all about is Nikola Cvetinovic. That guy had a good game against one of the best paint teams we'll see all season, if not the best. We're going to be fine, the shots will fall and the experience will develop. I mean if you stick Zeke in there last night, we might've won because of the rebounding he can do. Good job last night Zips! Let's push this behind us and look forward to Urbana.
  13. I think the young Zips will hold their own. Does anyone know how deep Pitt usually plays?
  14. Wow, I disliked BCS schools before, but now I dislike them (at least Pitt) more now. And you know they are just jealous that we got a guy who they wanted, who could kick/will kick their butts, and who will help us majorly. But other than that, let them laugh, let them ignore us. I wanna see what they say after the game, then they can talk or cry. LETS GO ZIPS! MAKE US PROUD!
  15. I wonder if the JAR is open at halftime. Well either way, good luck Zips.
  16. Michigan State did beat Indiana twice tho, but still, I don't think that's right. Ranked #16 on ESPNu.com, they jumped over everyone lol. But you have to love our brackett. Let's go Porter and the Zippers!
  17. I though Buffalo was in Canada? Oh well. Great job guys on the signs.
  18. I was born around the time he retired; don't really remember listening to him. I love listening to him on Wahoo What A Finish! the Indians movie on the 1994-1995 seasons. Thank you Herb for a great voice.
  19. I'm going, but I'm going to be non-human with soo many layers lol. I say 10-15k is around what we'll get. Well, all we can do is show up, bringing car fulls of fans. Go Zips!
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