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Everything posted by zippy5

  1. Can't get rid of of a quote on mobile so just posting this now so I can make a post. Blah
  2. If you call him Ali, are you calling him by his first or last name?
  3. https://www.uakron.edu/im/news/hoppin-frog-brewery-and-ua-join-forces-to-craft-ua-beer-zips-hoppin-blonde-ale
  4. I was thinking about this. And it's not to be too negative - I'll take this over the football team 101 times out of 100, but Zips basketball is kinda like groundhog day a little.
  5. Buffalo going from a top tier MAC team to one of the worst in the country really hurts
  6. Is there something I'm missing re: why we care bout new mexico?
  7. Feels like the guy using "LeBum" in an adult conversation may be slightly biased
  8. good idea, would never be possible with the TV contracts in place
  9. Garvin Clarke PSAC player of the week https://www.instagram.com/p/C0uYOPJuY6q/?igshid=ZWI2YzEzYmMxYg==
  10. Love that video btw. That's a team
  11. Banking on Prather seems to be a little optimistic for my liking.
  12. nah, P5 rejects have the same risk as a lower level guy moving up. Pitt took Mumpfield from us, PSU took Cephas from Kent - taking guys that succeeded and are moving up is not always a bad thing
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