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On 9/24/2017 at 5:07 PM, a-zip said:

BS!!!  They talk about supporting each other what about supporting this guy, too????!!!  Classless!!  Martavis Bryant was probably hiding, smoking a bowl.


Villanueva left hanging

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If true, this is disappointing he feels like he let his teammates down. He did 2 or 3 tours in Afghanistan. He has the right to express his beliefs as well. It doesn't go just one way. As a Marine with one tour in Iraq, I feel I'd have done the same even if none of my coworkers decided to participate. They have no idea what he's been through as a Veteran.

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8 hours ago, dre22era said:

Around Akron in general I was treated differently. Yes I was often denied entry into bars or restaurants when I was the best dressed out of the group of people (Predominately white) I was with. 

How long ago was this? And what establishments? Often? You have grounds for a major lawsuit. Please provide examples. I seriously cannot believe your claim. 

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3 hours ago, Dr Z said:

I can write about this from behind a lens. A photo of Villanueva would be impossible to properly expose him AND his teammates behind him. Bright sun vs dark shade. Multiple stop difference between the two. Super bright sunny days cast hard shadows. Ask any sports photographer, they would rather shoot during an overcast day.  If your exposure is set to Villanueva, you will NEVER see the team in the tunnel. WAY too dark. You would have to set your exposure to the tunnel, and then overexpose Villanueva. Notice how overexposed Al's leg is in the shot I posted was (yellow pants are white). On the three photos you posted, Al's white shirt is the exposure reading making the darks very dark, that's why you can't see detail in the tunnel (shadowed). Try taking a photo of one person in the sun, and one in complete shade in the background to test the results. Joe Robbins pointed his lens at Al, the other photographer pointed his camera at Cam. Two shots that tell two different stories.

Dr Z - I appreciate your photography and enjoy it, you are amazing.  I can't begin to discuss exposure and all the things you brought up.  I know what I saw on TV and it was sad to me, which is why I posted the video.  Personally, I don't find standing in the tunnel with your teammate outside the tunnel by himself as supporting him.  I didn't watch any more NFL from there.


Also, sorry for posting this on the 9100 attendance chain, and sorry for the long winded post BUT all of this is really pissing me off.  I can't even chill out and watch the game I love without a f***ing protest.  Honestly, I respect the right to protest but I don't think these guys even know what they are protesting.  Racial inequality?  Anti-United States, Anti-Trump, Anti-Police, Pro-F Castro or did this just start from a guy who lost his starting job as QB for the 49ers and tried to revive his career.  Very ill-conceived in my opinion.


Hey - now I know why this belongs on the 9100 attendance thread......because if people protest the NFL, maybe Zips attendance will go up ;-)

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7 minutes ago, WD UA 2015 said:

That's disappointing. I see the exact opposite every day.  I live and work in Akron. I officially call you out.

If your city council is racially divided...............


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48 minutes ago, dre22era said:

I can only speak from personal experience. Local council people do not represent my behavior or beliefs. I simply do not see this type of behavior in Akron. I was told by my Black Drill Instructor that we are all the same color- we're just light green and dark green. My best friend in boot camp was Black. My best friends throughout the Marine Corps were both second generation American Mexican. Its offensive when you tell me the people in Akron are racist. Simply offensive. You would never be unwelcome in my home.

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1 hour ago, dre22era said:

Dre, I appreciate your input on this topic and I even used one of my likes on a post you made earlier in this thread . On this subject I have to question who is really causing this so called racial divide on city council. The idea of a holiday in honor of indigenous peoples is a worthy cause. Proposing it to replace Columbus day, a holiday which many Italian Americans celebrate their culture was clearly not a good idea. Even the councilman who offered the ordinance admitted he never even considered the impact it might have in the community. The rush to right all the supposed wrongs of the last 3 centuries is not a realistic idea. You can learn from history, but you can't change it.

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10 minutes ago, Hilltopper said:

Dre, I appreciate your input on this topic and I even used one of my likes on a post you made earlier in this thread . On this subject I have to question who is really causing this so called racial divide on city council. The idea of a holiday in honor of indigenous peoples is a worthy cause. Proposing it to replace Columbus day, a holiday which many Italian Americans celebrate their culture was clearly not a good idea. Even the councilman who offered the ordinance admitted he never even considered the impact it might have in the community. The rush to right all the supposed wrongs of the last 3 centuries is not a realistic idea. You can learn from history, but you can't change it.


I  believe both sides are at fault in regards to refusing to come and work together on a solution. The divide sets a bad precedent on the community as the divide persuades the community to take sides. For them to display such childish behavior in front of kids who were there to observe and learn was beyond ridiculous. 
Politics today is  bringing the worst out of people.

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On 9/24/2017 at 11:59 AM, LZIp said:

Wouldn't mind seeing everyone do it. I'm tired of all this time and resources spent on debating standing vs not standing. I'm just trying to watch some damn football.


On 9/24/2017 at 12:37 PM, Zipgrad01 said:

They can go scream from the rooftops after the game. We aren't paying them for their political banter. Stfu and go play. 


I too am tired of this.  How about we stop playing the National Anthem at sporting events.  I don't go to sporting events to have someone else's idea of patriotism, and idolatry shoved down my throat.


On 9/24/2017 at 8:09 PM, skip-zip said:

t will be quite an interesting day when the angry fans decide not to forgive this crap anymore.  


Which will be never.  People are going to stop watching football?  :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


On 9/24/2017 at 12:34 PM, K92 said:

This is not a free speech issue. 


Indeed.  The issue is that the President of The United States attacked the NFL.  He made comments about officiating ruining the game.  He made comments about player safety concerns ruining the game.  He made comments about firing NFL players because they don't follow a very narrow brand of patriotism.  This is why owners joined their teams locking arms, released statements etc.  It's an opinion  that kneeling, praying, locking arms etc... is not a patriotic thing to do and disrespectful.  An opinion.  And no one group of people dictates what is and is not patriotic.


The irony of this all is: The President of the United States demanded that we should have respect for the free speech and protests of KKK Neo-Nazis (who were shouting the Jews will not replace us, Blood and Soil...and other provocative things...while defending a monument  participation trophy to traitors who killed more American armed service men than any other single faction in history)...yet a bunch of Black men kneel/pray quietly...fire them immediately!  Talk about "respect" for our servicemen...

On 9/24/2017 at 12:38 PM, K92 said:

Employers can set standards of conduct concerning free speech.  They do so all the time.  Freedom of speech cannot be restricted by the government and it is not.


Yup.  The problem is, it's a league of Millionaires that makes billions off of said millionaires.  Their speech is going to carry a LOT more strength than some salaried individual in some nebulous company.  Trying to restrict that free speech will never happen, especially if the millionaires support each other.  I'm guessing the NFL could make it a bargaining issue in the next negotiation with the Union.  Good luck burning all negotiation capital on that fight.  :rofl:


But at the end of the day it's priorities people:  silently kneeling, praying, locking arms during the national anthem is disrespectful?  REALLY!?  What's more disrespectful...kneeling and praying...or shooting unarmed black men during "routine" police stops....or planting drugs on people so that you can arrest them...or the character assassinations that take place on black victims, who were not convicted of crimes, to somehow get the public to agree with the justification as to why said unarmed black person was "dangerous".  THAT is direspectful, and it's systemic, and a conversation we as a country should be having.  THAT is more disrespectful to our flag and our servicemen than a bunch of people praying and kneeling during a song.


 Maybe you guys are right...maybe we have become a nation of snowflakes.  My goodness I thought praying for the country during the national anthem would be a good thing.  On a side note, I suppose I'll have to remember not to kneel at a catholic church the next time in one.  Because from all of this, I've learned that kneeling is the most disrespectful, egregious thing a man can do.

Edited by Balsy
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31 minutes ago, Balsy said:



I too am tired of this.  How about we stop playing the National Anthem at sporting events.  I don't go to sporting events to have someone else's idea of patriotism, and idolatry shoved down my throat.



Which will be never.  People are going to stop watching football?  :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:



Indeed.  The issue is that the President of The United States attacked the NFL.  He made comments about officiating ruining the game.  He made comments about player safety concerns ruining the game.  He made comments about firing NFL players because they don't follow a very narrow brand of patriotism.  This is why owners joined their teams locking arms, released statements etc.  It's an opinion  that kneeling, praying, locking arms etc... is not a patriotic thing to do and disrespectful.  An opinion.  And no one group of people dictates what is and is not patriotic.


The irony of this all is: The President of the United States demanded that we should have respect for the free speech and protests of KKK Neo-Nazis (who were shouting the Jews will not replace us, Blood and Soil...and other provocative things...while defending a monument  participation trophy to traitors who killed more American armed service men than any other single faction in history)...yet a bunch of Black men kneel/pray quietly...fire them immediately!  Talk about "respect" for our servicemen...


Yup.  The problem is, it's a league of Millionaires that makes billions off of said millionaires.  Their speech is going to carry a LOT more strength than some salaried individual in some nebulous company.  Trying to restrict that free speech will never happen, especially if the millionaires support each other.  I'm guessing the NFL could make it a bargaining issue in the next negotiation with the Union.  Good luck burning all negotiation capital on that fight.  :rofl:


But at the end of the day it's priorities people:  silently kneeling, praying, locking arms during the national anthem is disrespectful?  REALLY!?  What's more disrespectful...kneeling and praying...or shooting unarmed black men during "routine" police stops....or planting drugs on people so that you can arrest them...or the character assassinations that take place on black victims, who were not convicted of crimes, to somehow get the public to agree with the justification as to why said unarmed black person was "dangerous".  THAT is direspectful, and it's systemic, and a conversation we as a country should be having.  THAT is more disrespectful to our flag and our servicemen than a bunch of people praying and kneeling during a song.


 Maybe you guys are right...maybe we have become a nation of snowflakes.  My goodness I thought praying for the country during the national anthem would be a good thing.  On a side note, I suppose I'll have to remember not to kneel at a catholic church the next time in one.  Because from all of this, I've learned that kneeling is the most disrespectful, egregious thing a man can do.

I'm not reading all this but I will say, like it or not it is an American tradition to stand for the National Anthem at sporting events  if you are capable & as far as I'm concerned it's the least I can do to live in this great country ?? 


I know there are issues & there always will be because it is called freedom & some will always be jackasses but in my heart I still believe most are good & mean well.


So in my opinion, go tailgate & see how good people are, stand for a minute & then enjoy the sporting event.


GO ZIPS, let's turn this back to a zips football forum  ???

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1 hour ago, mivid12 said:

why...bc you decree it? so why then does it seem ppl want to come to America? mostly illegally


for that LACK of opportunity? 

With all due respect, people used to want to come to this country for the opportunity to achieve, now they come for the opportunity for a handout.

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On 9/21/2017 at 1:19 PM, Al_4_ISU said:


Yeah, I introduced myself to you actually (my name is Al).  I had a red t-shirt with leaning Cy on it and a ball cap with the old tornado logo.  I'm about 6'1 230ish with brown hair.  My buddy Pat was a little shorter and heavier set than me.  He had a houndstooth I-State hat on.  I guess I didn't say my screen name.  We got there around 8 and Pat helped you on the grill while I helped your Akron connections prep the sandwiches some.  You gave me a glass of Cyclone OJ (which was delicious).  We stocked one of your beer cooler tubs with our case of Yuengling.  We talked with Jeff Johnson quite a bit under that shade tree.

We were at your tailgate for a good 3 hours, I'd say.  Great time and greatly appreciated your efforts.  We waved passing the U-Haul on Sunday AM, but I don't think you saw us.



OK, now I remember you.  I didn't connect you with your username.  If I had, I would have pummeled you with beer questions, such as how to make a Cardinal and Gold with a red beer than floats like a Guinness.  At any rate, thanks for helping out.  It is great the way Cyclone fans show up and pitch in.  And sorry I didn't see you on the return trip.  I may have been sleeping while my friend was driving.  It was a pretty demanding weekend.  

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Wow, this thread took a dramatic turn.  I suppose that it is hard to keep the current issue out of a thread. 


At any rate, Trump's comments and players kneeling may end up making the problem worse, but I don't think they were the issue for people not attending the Akron/Iowa State game.  We have had a few players speak out, but I can't imagine that it will affect attendance in any way for our game Thursday night. 


Maybe that is why we get to host the first primary/caucus of the presidential campaigns.  We seem to be able to rise above some of our own socio-economic demographics.  Hardly anybody had heard of Barack Obama when he first started coming to Iowa.  And if you hadn't noticed, we are a rather light-skinned state.  Yet, early in the primary season, he emerged early as the front-runner here, despite the endurance of some institutional racism and a mainstream Democratic party candidate as the anticipated front-runner going into the campaign.  

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3 hours ago, mivid12 said:

why...bc you decree it? so why then does it seem ppl want to come to America? mostly illegally


for that LACK of opportunity? 


This is a fallacy.  Most immigrants come here legally.  Well...unless you want to count the colonists, they were the first illegal immigrators.  All you have to do is look up basic research on this, and you'll find answer to that.  He's not decreeing it...it's a fact.  See further comment below.


1 hour ago, K92 said:

With all due respect, people used to want to come to this country for the opportunity to achieve, now they come for the opportunity for a handout.


And you're both missing the point.  There is a segment of our society, our country, our nation; that did not come here willingly.  So making saying "came here for opportunity and achieve" is frankly some colored glasses BS.  Not only was that portion of our society brought here against their will, and for generations were sold as property; even after they were emancipated they were systematically disenfranchised because what...you expect freed property to be on the same level as the ones who used to own them?  Perhaps under law...but in practice...


Like sorry, this is a terrible take Keener.  It completely ignores the reality.  Yes there has been a lack of opportunity for minorities, historically (and on purpose), and hell...less than 50-years ago blacks and whites couldn't drink from the same coffee pot.  You can't expect there not to be a level of inequality still there.  Objectively.  Now it may require some empathy, moving outside of your own bubble to an uncomfortable place, but yes it is objectively true.

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5 hours ago, 94zipgrad said:

I'm not reading all this but I will say, like it or not it is an American tradition to stand for the National Anthem at sporting events  if you are capable & as far as I'm concerned it's the least I can do to live in this great country ?? 


I know there are issues & there always will be because it is called freedom & some will always be jackasses but in my heart I still believe most are good & mean well.


So in my opinion, go tailgate & see how good people are, stand for a minute & then enjoy the sporting event.


GO ZIPS, let's turn this back to a zips football forum  ???


Because reading it would require you stepping outside of your bubble, and considering something you hadn't before.  

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