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Everything posted by a-zip

  1. I realize it is a moot point now but the city of Akron and the U seriously f**ked up by not building some sort of arena to pacify coach Dambrot. When KD (and essentially Lebron) left town, the biggest chance we had to dominate the MAC and possibly be considered for a better conference left town. LBJ loves his home town....he left south beach to move back to Akron, Ohio. He is a once in a lifetime person. Groce was a lucky hire but he has no ties here. We are back to being in the "cradle of coaches" conference. To me it is sad that this opportunity laid out on a silver plate was squandered.
  2. Great game.....gutsy effort...great coaching...upset win in post season...freshman come up big. Zips advance!
  3. This is a very important/significant comment for Zips fans to keep in mind (especially to those that get down on JE early in seasons). We get good players (not necessarily ***** players all the time). But, when they come to Akron, they are coached and developed by an amazing coaching staff - Moutinho is the most recent example. Akron soccer is like what Kentucky is to college basketball. The bad news for us is we have to reload and gel every year. I realize other teams have players who leave early too but could you imagine if some of the players we've had in the last decade would have stayed for 2,3,4 years!! We would have won the last 5 College Cups. JE is the best soccer coach in college soccer PERIOD!!
  4. Agreed. I have been a supporter and thought we were lucky to get he and Amato. I am ready for 8 wins+
  5. You show about as much class as your players and your coach. I was thinking a rulebook with pictures included might help FAU fans and players but apparently pictures are not even clear enough for you since this one show your player's helmet hitting first. Your dumbass argument is he led with his shoulder but genius, if you look at the picture you CLEARLY see the head and neck turning sideways and shoulders are still back. The fact you would even argue something like this is pathetic.
  6. No player shall target and make forcible contact to the head or neck area of a defenseless opponent (See Note 2 below) with the helmet, forearm, hand, fist, elbow or shoulder. It's not even close you zipperhead.
  7. They could actually use this video clip as a perfect example of what targeting is, it looked even worse from the other angle. Unbelievable!! Example of Targeting
  8. For Akron fans, this is a glass half full or glass half empty season. As I read post on Zipnation and the Akron community it is another whoa is me, glass half empty season……we got embarrassed again on national TV again just like VCU BBall, Toledo in the MAC Championship….maybe even soccer vs Stanford, the MAC sucks, Bowden sucks, Milwee sucks, Amato sucks, etc. If you are glass half full (like I am) I say, we keep making it to the big stage. We won the conference, nobody expected that. We did it losing two of our team captains (who were key players btw), we lost our senior QB. This coaching staff did an amazing job. Far exceeded my expectations. I am not sure if we had a choice to pick which bowl we played (did we?) in but playing FAU on their home field was a stupid decision, that’s on the AD. FAU is dangerous and would have kicked the crap out of most teams last night as they have been doing for most of their season. Last nights broadcast was a joke…a total recruiting video for Lane Kiffin. That guy is a complete TOOL, I don’t get it. Oh, on the glass half full side, our BBall team is already doing amazing things after losing our coach and having the roster gutted. Go Zips!
  9. Stanford looked very much the part of reigning 2 time champs. 1st half was the worst Akron soccer I can remember. Schultz probably the worst game I can remember by an Akron player. Bummed, was planning on going to Philly on Sunday.
  10. Very proud of this team, gutsy bunch that never gives up. We were not picked to finish where we are AND we've had some major losses through the season. Warren Ball Deltron Sands Mykel Taylor-Bennett Zach Guiser Two captains, wow!
  11. I'll see you all in Philly. We are going to win it all!! This one scared me.
  12. .......and good luck Mocs, I hope you win all your games now too!!!!
  13. I didn't shift anything. My original post was My position hasn't shifted and I am surprised this appears to be so difficult to digest...oh well. If MAC teams, to include Kent, lose to shitty teams and we beat them - it does not help our SOS, RPI, etc....Its not complicated. If you guys want to pull the Gonzaga's and WSU in to this mix, I can assure they benefited through the years from other teams in their conferences winning OOC games. Its funny, the same group that talks about having meaningful games at the JAR or INFO argue that they would want our conference foes to lose OOC. How meaningful is it when you play an 0-7 Kent team, an 0-8 Ohio team, etc. vs playing and beating a ranked Kent or Ohio team.
  14. You guys will argue anything Well if you want the MAC schools to lose OOC games, don't cry when or if at large bids start being made. I can assure you as Gonzaga and Wichita State were climbing their way to becoming relevant basketball programs they were rooting for their in conference teams to win all OOC games to secure at large bids and then win higher seeding. BTW - Wichita State has moved to the AAC now. I promise you coach Embick was rooting for WMU and all other teams in our conference this year except when they played us. I can tell you one person who would agree with my position..........the Head MBB Coach at Duquesne Selection process
  15. Well then I guess you don't care about SOS, RPI and all the other stuff that comes in to play when post season selections/seedings are made. My bad
  16. It's not good news (or funny) when the MAC is losing games, even Can't State. We want them to win all games except when they play us.
  17. I really like Cordiero, he is all over the place, great work rate. Lundt was clutch!! Love this team!!
  18. I hope it is over 15K or will be embarrassed again as I was 3 years ago when I started this thread after convincing a bunch of my buddies to drive 7 hours for a game. This is one of the biggest games in school history for all the reasons I have listed prior, the lethargy is, well.............not suprizing. . Add to that we will be on ESPN and recruits will be watching. Soccer is about to win another star, the basketball team is playing well.....all good mojo. No excuses. What is better than wrapping up the conference championship against Kent Go Zips!!
  19. So true.....they are really fun to watch!! Dominant, organized, and almost seem to be able to do what they want when they want. And the individual skill level is amazing. I hope I am not jinxing this run but I am pretty jazzed.
  20. Damn we look good.....really good. I have a really good feeling about this team.
  21. TB was out preaching and encouraging fans at the basketball game last night......he was fired up. Problem was, there weren't many people at the basketball game. Maybe it was because it was a Saturday
  22. What I wouldn't give to be 34 again
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