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Everything posted by a-zip

  1. Funny.....as I rewind the list of excuses that generally come up.... regardless of whether it is football, basketball or soccer....a meaningful game or a meaningful opponent always comes up. This game has both with the convenience of the opponent being 15 miles away. I bet if Lebron said he was going to take a dump on the 50 yard line at the Info on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday next week...there would be 35K and a waiting line to watch
  2. Yes I do, thanks for asking. And I live 7 hours away.
  3. I'll add that to the list of excuses
  4. And the two schools are 15 miles away. It would be a joke not to get 15K.
  5. You had to know I was coming...... Just beat Ohio U Earned bowl eligibility for the second time in three years One win away from securing the MAC East title Playing cross-town rival Kent State at home Weather won’t be horrible New on campus stadium Exciting football Anything less than 15K in the seats would be a disgrace.
  6. That is one of the sweetest goals I have seen. The cross, the touch on the header and volley out of the air. Goal of the year!!! Absolutely beautiful!!
  7. Wow, this is a new one. In all the threads around attendance I have seen; Football - we don't win games, the team is not a contender, old stadium off campus, bad weather, weekday games, conflict with OSU, don't have top competition come to Info Basketball - we do win games but they are not important games, JAR is old outdated, not exciting, don't have top competition, we lose in postseason NOW for soccer...... Our team is always Top 25 - but that is expected People will only care if we are ranked #1 People expect us to win so there is no need to come I've heard em' all now ...... I think...
  8. Our boys look good. Really good!! I've got a really good feeling about this team.
  9. Yea...you are right Zipgrad, thanks for highlighting that..... don't be happy, I forgot what site I was on ;-)
  10. Zips win against a great team and program. E'nuff said...be happy....I am
  11. Uhh....ok. that definitely changed my thoughts. Thanks for clearing it up.
  12. Great point. Evidence of this is supported by the packed house at UA basketball games
  13. Dr Z - I appreciate your photography and enjoy it, you are amazing. I can't begin to discuss exposure and all the things you brought up. I know what I saw on TV and it was sad to me, which is why I posted the video. Personally, I don't find standing in the tunnel with your teammate outside the tunnel by himself as supporting him. I didn't watch any more NFL from there. Also, sorry for posting this on the 9100 attendance chain, and sorry for the long winded post BUT all of this is really pissing me off. I can't even chill out and watch the game I love without a f***ing protest. Honestly, I respect the right to protest but I don't think these guys even know what they are protesting. Racial inequality? Anti-United States, Anti-Trump, Anti-Police, Pro-F Castro or did this just start from a guy who lost his starting job as QB for the 49ers and tried to revive his career. Very ill-conceived in my opinion. Hey - now I know why this belongs on the 9100 attendance thread......because if people protest the NFL, maybe Zips attendance will go up ;-)
  14. Funny - the Ravens and Jaguars knelt for the U.S. National Anthem BUT they stood for God Save the Queen. I wonder if the players are aware of the American Revolution? Something does not make sense to me about not standing up for the national anthem. People say they have a right to protest the song celebrating America because America has injustice, unfairness and issues that have caused pain. There is no question that injustice has existed throughout time in this country. There is no question that prejudice exists and that "all" people are treated unfairly to differing degrees. These social ills should never be tolerated, accepted or allowed to continue. However, there is danger in not standing for the anthem and seeing the American Flag as the cause of these problems. Is America perfect. No. Is America to be judged as a final product and anything less than perfect then interpreted as sure signs that it represents oppression, hatred and inequality. America like all things in life is a breathing, changing, evolving state. It has come far in its history to achieve great goals of freedom, tolerance, equality and justice for its citizens. It has done so much to help other nations survive tyranny, oppression and cruelty. Yet it still has much left to do if it is ever going to become a perfect nation. Love for one's country is not something that should be viewed from the perspective of perfection. Love for one's country should be unconditional and when something is less than perfect, its citizens should work as hard as they can to correct it. When someone sees something less than perfect in our country, they should passionately protest and explain why the injustice needs correcting. One can and should push our country to even greater accomplishments through introspection and pressure to improve. However, one's love for the country should always exist. When citizens attack the flag or the national anthem, it is an attack on the country itself. When the intensity of the attacks become full of rage and hatred, it festers into feelings of hating our country. American's should always dislike/hate prejudice, inequality, unfairness. They are social and political cancers that attack and attempt to suffocate our nation. America is the greatest nation on earth. It can sustain attacks about its history, injustice and inequalities. However, when people begin to hate the nation itself there is danger that America's ability to sustain itself will be jeopardized. Hate the cause, hate the unfairness but do not hate the country. I will never hate this country. I will never hate what it stands for or its symbols. I will accept it is less than perfect and dedicate myself to fixing its weaknesses. I will have the courage to acknowledge its flaws and to push to find answers so all Americans may be free, equal and happy. For America to achieve the harmony, peace and destiny it was created for, requires love, caring and commitment from its citizens. I will always stand for the national anthem and put my hand on my heart for the pledge of allegiance. I will do this to offer love for my country so it may continue its journey of fulfilling its basic commitments to its citizens. Millions have died honoring this commitment to the nation. Love is the only force on earth that allows people to grow, succeed and be happy. Love for one's country is essential if it is to do the same. I want clowns to juggle, actors to act, musicians to sing, basketball players to dribble and shoot, football players to run and catch and news reporters to report the news. That is what I pay for. I don't need Madonna, Rosie Odonnell, Anderson Cooper, Lebron, Martavis Bryant, Ashley Judd, Kathy Griffin, Sean Penn to try and shove their opinions at me from their ivory mansions because they have a big microphone. If they want to help causes, do what Jim Brown has been doing all of his life.....roll up your sleeves and get out there. Kneeling isn't doing ANYTHING.
  15. Did CNN photoshop that for Sergio? My s**t is straight and I know what I saw. I would not call hiding in the shadows backing their teammate. See video Villanueva left hanging
  16. BS!!! They talk about supporting each other what about supporting this guy, too????!!! Classless!! Martavis Bryant was probably hiding, smoking a bowl. Villanueva left hanging
  17. Nice crowd Troy....even after lightning delay.
  18. I don't like overreacting to one game but TW does not look the same....I'll give him a break because I personally think PSU is THAT GOOD. I will say this.....our best offensive player is Warren Ball by far....even though his stats were not good, he is impressive. On the play where he fumbled, he was about to break a tackle where the guy had him dead and he showed amazing balance and strength to get out of it....there were others. Here's my 2 cents. A read option is not effective if only 1 guy can run. If TW is not a threat to run, our best player WB, will get stuffed. Last year when TW stared the season, he was a threat to run AND our receiving corp had NFL talent......this year we don't have that. This year we have a NFL caliber RB - the personnel and scheme need to put him in a position to make things happen. I absolutely believe he will CRUSH MAC defenses. KN impressed me. With him in, teams have to worry about two guys that can take it to the house on any play. I also thought KN made a couple really nice throws.
  19. We are playing against the best offense in the country - Heisman RB, All-American QB......stop the doom and gloom. PSU will throw up more points against Big10 teams this year.
  20. That is a problem. If they are football fans I am sure they will hear about him getting inducted in to the NFL HOF down the road - if they don't know he played at their alma mater, that is criminal. If the UA is too stupid to not try and capitalize on it, maybe 9,900 is what we deserve.
  21. Mixing two threads with one response (9100 attendance) I sure hope we are milking Jason's NFL HOF induction while he is 30 minutes away. I wonder if students even know he is UA alum. Great player, good looking, well spoken.........USE IT!!! Build a f*&%ing statue of him at the stadium.
  22. All this discussion around basketball does beg the question of building "that stadium". Maybe it should have been "that arena". Just sayin'.
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