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Everything posted by a-zip

  1. Thanks for posting the videos. So excited for tonight. Watch party in Maryland if anyone is interested....
  2. I never noticed that.....great observation. The fact that he was set on the left side of the center of the field makes it even more impressive.
  3. Some good links on the bowls Bowl game info http://www.collegefootballpoll.com/bowl_games_bowl_schedule.html Predictions http://www.cbssports.com/collegefootball/bowls/predictions
  4. WOW - Those are SICK!!! I'm a bit partial living in Annapolis though
  5. Can't we just enjoy the beatdown of Can't and the fact we are going to a bowl. The questioning of costs around going to a bowl and now the speculation of how much we are going to lose by going to a bowl is so frickin' typical of the "glass half empty" mentality around Akron. Makes me want to puke. BE HAPPY FOR GOD SAKES!!!
  6. Hopefully not ours I guess some people on here would be happy though.
  7. And of course they had to throw this in............ "However, given UA’s recent and ongoing financial issues, can they afford to send a football team to a bowl game?" “Can the school afford not to?” Bowden asked. “Don’t say you want to win seven or eight games a year and go to bowl games and say you can’t. The conference is going to tell us a lot about what we do in that. And I think sometimes if a conference has more than enough bowl-eligible teams we jump into some other ones.” I am hoping when TB responded, he had his most sarcastic face and voice working. What a stupid question to ask after this long awaited accomplishment.
  8. WTG ZIPS!!! That's the way to go in to the bowl season in style. Give a beatdown to your rival!!!
  9. I thought people didn't come to Akron sporting events because we don't win enough - oh, wait a minute we are ranked #3 and a #4 seed in post season tourney No, wait a minute its because the Rubber Bowl was horrible, the JAR is a glorified HS gym - oh, wait a minute Cub Cadet is really nice I thought is was because we don't play marquis teams - wait a minute isn't Rutgers ranked and in the Big 10 I thought it was because of TW - wait a minute, he is not here I thought it was because is because we have conflict with Buckeyes football - wait a minute, the soccer game was on Sunday Now its because we are not a Cinderella team and people don't like soccer (the most popular game in the world) EXCUSES EXCUSES 5 goals in 18 minutes is amazing and exciting. A lot of people in Akron missed out on something very rare.
  10. "Virtually unnoticed" game won in case anyone noticed.
  11. My thoughts Not sure I understand your opening sentence......How is the season finally over? Outside of that I agree with everything else. This is the most important game in a very long time. Guaranteed bowl eligibility against our most hated rival. (guess what I am going to say next ;-) PACK THE INFO AKRON!! ABJ - Give us some love!!! There are some good things happening... UATech Marketing - be creative....figure it out...black friday so bring in some retailers to sell stuff at discounted prices so people can kill 2 birds with one stone. God - make it a nice day Oh yea - the Fuckeyes lost to Michigan State (former Coach D and Zips coach Mark D ) so the title run is likely over.
  12. If we could run the table this weekend - would this be the best weekend in Zips Athletics history? I realize winning our 1st National Championship can't be topped until we do it again but collectively this would be HUGE for Ohio Tech... Saturday – Football home against Buffalo 3:30 Sunday – Basketball away against Villanova 4:30 Sunday – Soccer NCAA tournament against Rutgers 4:00
  13. If you are referring to me as the "vocal one" for filling Infocision....I suggest you read my posts. Its not that I think we should fill Infocision....its that I think high schoolish attendance figures we put up (3500 to a game) and being called out for having the lowest attendance in the NCAA is an embarrassment and will certainly not bring in top recruits.
  14. RESPECT.........FINALLY!!!! Very excited.....I hope the games are well publicized and well attended. Well done NCAA (I can't believe I just said that)
  15. BINGO! So how can TB and team have a home field advantage and recruit good players. I read so many complaints around the marketing dept etc, what can they do? Skip - I get what you are saying, but i think it is sad........queue the "iCoach apocalypse, win and they will come crew" ;-)
  16. I bet if Ohio State held an open practice on the same day - 80,000 would show up (and the ABJ would make it front page news ;-)
  17. We have two home games to end the season......Bowl eligibility on the line Joe Akron! Recruits will be watching..... I would hope the Buffalo game will have more than 8K (which is pitiful to ask) but if the Can't game is not a near sellout when bowl eligibility is on the line........Akron does not deserve a D1 football team.
  18. I know I keep beating a dead horse but why wouldn't the ABJ (the hometown paper) not publicize our greatest team. A team knocking on the door of another national championship. A team that hosted UCLA (which is a big draw). All-American candidates. Great soccer. I don't get it.
  19. Just for grins, I Googled Akron UCLA soccer here are the results https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=akron+ucla+soccer&tbm=nws&start=0 https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#tbm=nws&q=akron+mens+soccer No articles from the ABJ prior to the match. There were articles in California leading up to the match. http://dailybruin.com/2015/10/30/ucla-mens-soccer-to-face-familiar-playing-style-in-no-6-akron/ There was an article from the ABJ after we lost.
  20. I saw that there were only 1691 at the BG game-- that is very disappointing. The attendance doesn't seem to match the quality of the team. Why is anyone suprized? THIS IS AKRON!!
  21. I don't understand what is fragmented or difficult to understand about a simple comment I made............... "I just want to encourage all of you to not take everything you read at face value. Before you form your opinions and make judgements on something that is important to you.....do some research and question the information you are reading. There are so many people that have control of the media that have hidden agendas." It was not a political statement nor was intended to defend or support Dr. S.
  22. I sure hope we earn it and win out. While getting to a bowl would be a nice shot in the arm for the program - going to a bowl with 6 wins will be a bit hollow to me.....a bowl game with 5 wins is a joke no matter what conference you play in.
  23. You can quote all the philosophy you want. I think it is a riot you would choose the law of parsimony because my point was very simply stated and you have tried to bring politics, my presumed political beliefs and Dr. S into it while continuing to support my simple statement in your posts ;-)
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