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Everything posted by Zip_ME87

  1. Charlie played well at times and not at others. Given the non-existent o line and the mostly poor play calling, he did well. If this keeps up, though, I'm afraid he's going to get hurt.
  2. Just ran for a TD...Announcer..."Charlie Frye, the Akron Zip, zipping it along."
  3. Unfortunately, I think that refers to Comcast in Michigan, but I'm not 100% certain.
  4. Today is a good day. Zips on the ABJ front page. Zips with more space than #1 OSU on the ABJ sports front page. And, Charlie Frye's picture covers much of the sports front page in the PD. Charlie leading the Browns to victory today would make this weekend complete!GO ZIPS!
  5. I'm proud not to have Buckeye envy and am comfortable with who I am.1. Akron Alum2. Zips fan3. Buckeye fanI love Ohio! on TexasGO BUCKS!
  6. I love the Buckeyes. I hate Northeast Ohio media for not giving Akron and the rest of the MAC the coverage we deserve.Go BUCKS! Send Bevis, I mean Beavo, back to the barn!
  7. Kennedy over tackle. TOUCHDOWN AKRON! Go ZIPS!
  8. That is a cool story. Also, know that last year, in the days leading up to the Motor City Bowl, Coach Tressel said that he was happy to see Akron going to a Bowl game and that he wanted to see them do well (not sure if he said win, being "politically correct"). He said that he had connections to The University of Akron.
  9. I personally liked the Pluto article. Given that the Zips lost, what did you expect? We could have received much worse. Did you notice that ht eABJ included the picture of Kennedy's touchdown? They could have chosen from a plethera of "low lights".I was also happy to see that the Cleveland PD included that picture and a full article on the game...not just some little blurb about Penn State's win like they could have. To top it off, the PD had an awesome full page article on Charlie. Go Zips! Go Browns!
  10. SGM - you are so AWESOME! That is exactly what Akron needs...POSITIVE fans. I love this board and the Zips fans on here, but we need to stop bitching and envying other schools and do everything we can to bring respect to our teams.
  11. I believe that Akron played YSU at the Div I-AA level when I first enrolled at UA. Then, when the Zips went to Div I-A, UA continued to play YSU. It was frustrating that Jim Tressel's Penguins won more often than not even though the Zips had moved up a level.
  12. Met Sean Hakes at Meet the Team Day this past Sunday. Awesome guy. Watched him throw a coulpe of nice passes (40 - 50 yds) for some kids in attendance. Good arm. Look forward to seeing him play in the near future.
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