No offense taken. My point is that when you start offering solutions to a problem more solutions surface. No problem is ever solved by incessantly complaining about it. Let me give you an example. Dan Rice, the CEO of the Ohio and Erie Canalway Project, years ago wanted to improve the canal's towpath for greater public use. He had little money. He started selling a vision to many local groups showing how they could make a difference. He has raised over $31M to date in a city hit hard economically, searching for an identity and suffering from poor PR. Lock 3 park has been built downtown. Summit Lake Park is being built with shelter house, connecting towpath to downtown, boat livery, new bike paths, parking, landscaping and amenities. All because one man started selling an idea. Akron football doesn't have to be a dumpster fire. There are people who want it to be a success. Give them something to do about it.