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Everything posted by akzipper

  1. Shock the World Zips! ...score more than 2pts this time
  2. Right here is one (THE?) reason that when I read the threads about moving the the Big East, I generally have the "careful what you wish for," thought. I'd rather stay in the MAC and dominate this conference every year. We'd have consistent, perhaps annual, Top 25 rankings, even if no real chance at winning the national championship. But that's fine w/ me. My grand vision for Akron football is lower-eschelon Top 25. And we'd be packing the Info & everyone would know who/where Akron is (even though I guess LBJ's already accomplished this one). Become the Boise State of the MAC. Boise State translated their success into moving to a better conference. Akron needs to get to C-USA if your "grand vision" is to happen. I don't have anything against C-USA, except for greater travel time/expense. But we don't need C-USA for lower-tier Top 25 rankings. We just need to win out in the MAC. I'd be happy if we could win more than one game in the MAC honestly...
  3. I think I saw you post this on ESPN.com. Love how you called them "red & silver" it REALLY pisses off OSU fans, which is hilarious. I've noticed something about the comments about the game over there. If you post something like "Go zips!" or "fear the roo" they will respond with a paragraph trashing akron and everything about our university and city. Just shows how low class they all are.
  4. I love being on National TV! But.....this means the whole nation will see us get embarrassed, not good publicity.
  5. A "radio host" on WKNR this morning smashed the Zips pretty hard. Said they had no chance in hell and would probably lost by over 70 pts. I think his name was Aaron? Not to mention he went on repeatedly bashing our program as the "worst" in the country. Apparently he thought that every D1, D2, and D3 team is better as well. Thankfully Tony Rizzo was quick to stand up for Akron and at least someone in the Cleveland media has our back. I rarely don't listen to WKNR but I found it interesting that the Aaron guy that was bashing Akron into the ground, is actually facing a suspension from the station due to an incident with a HS football coach. Classy Guy! Now I know most of the media would say that Akron has no chance. But I really don't care! We won't win, I know that but I just hope we show up to play!
  6. It's going to be 31-9 with OSU taking the win....you can take those numbers to Vegas. I hate the Suckeyes more than any team on earth, but I really don't see how a 1 win team has a chance. Well technically OSU is a 0 win team, but you know what I mean haha. Has anyone else noticed how OSU fans are jumping all over "the U" because of the scandal going down. I just find it ironic they were the FIRST ones to make fun of Miami. Just shows how classy they are!!
  7. Any idea where it is located? Hopefully it didn't take the place of the Sizzling Zone or Market. Those where two of my favorite places. Best scenario is if they moved into the vacant Planet Underground space near the commuter lounge.
  8. If you'd rather be realistic, why don't you start by forming some realistic opinions about the basketball team. I said we'd finish 2-3rd in the MAC east, probably behind Can't and OU. After I see the schedule I will be able to predictions of the season record. Just remember last year I predicted our ooc record and got it EXACTLY right. It's just common sense that you can't be saying "sweet 16" before you have even seen this team play against a legitimate opponent. I'm just as big of Zips fan as anyone else, but it's just not realistic I'm sorry.
  9. We're going to be a 2-3 place MAC east team this year, I'm sorry. Like I said everyone is being way too optimistic. You've watch them practice and scrimmage. Against who? THEMSELVES! That's means nothing sorry to say. I heard on WKNR that the Browns had a great training camp today. Should I get my superbowl tickets now??? Wouldn't you think that if a team was this "good" they might be getting some media attention? I don't hear anything about them. Aside from one camera guy at a Zips practice and a handful of fans. Wouldn't we be in some sort of preseason poll? and no the midmajor poll does not count. YOu can't use the excuse "people don't know about them", because if they were really that good they would know. I'm sorry to be negative, but it's the truth. You guys will enter the season expecting them to dominate, they'll lose to some lowly midmajor and everyone will be blaming KD. We MIGHT have a chance to beat one big school and that's all. You can't compare this to soccer for a lot of reasons. Our soccer program has been strong since the 80s if not earlier. They have had years of success and we knew they would be good based on the previous year. Basketball is different because we we're pretty bad last year. We almost lost to freaking YSU, and lost to every single big school we played. We needed 2OVERTIMES to get to the 3rd freakin' round of the MAC tournament. That's right the MAC! One of the worst conferences in the country. Say what you want about my opinions, but I'd rather be realistic as opposed to many people that are just going to end up disappointed because they are so overly optimistic.
  10. They uploaded some photos on the UA Men's basketball facebook page. Looks pretty cool if you ask me! If only the rest of the JAR looked this cool...Can't even imagine this is in the same building
  11. I don't want to be a buzzkill, but remember how that season turned out? the Indians finished dead last sadly. Also, we were all overhyped for the Zips 2009 football season too, and that ended with a terrible record and JD getting fired. Also what happened the last time we made the tourney? We were supposed to be amazing the next year after adding Zeke and didn't even get in. No offense but there's only so much faith you can put into the opinions of people on message boards. We are all Zips fans and tend to be overly optimistic about our teams, but really we don't work for ESPN or are pro scouts. We can't really judge talent by watching a few practices and reading analysis on here. I love that people are excited, but be realistic. We'll be lucky to make the tournament, and even if we did I can't see us going past the first round.
  12. I would love to see Akron bring in an D-League team and a OHL franchise. Obviously we would be better suited than Canton, and out of all of the lower hockey leagues the OHL is the most interesting. Basically a lot of the NHL's top players get their start there, and the Erie Otters would make a good regional rival. That team has drawn very well during their existence and Akron could have potential to do the same. Better than that would be for the Akron Zips to start up a hockey program, but I highly doubt that will happen. Given a first-class arena even a newly created team would be able to pull in some good recruits...But at the end of the day I want the Zips to be the "main" tenant of the arena. We shouldn't have to settle for second best, like a Villanova or other schools that share arena's with pro teams. To them it's almost like an away game, except for the few logos slapped on top of a generic court.Title IX means you will never see any further expansion of men's sports while we field a football team. No AD in his right mind would do that at our level.Can't we add men's and women's hockey? I never said we had to add just a men's team...
  13. I would love to see Akron bring in an D-League team and a OHL franchise. Obviously we would be better suited than Canton, and out of all of the lower hockey leagues the OHL is the most interesting. Basically a lot of the NHL's top players get their start there, and the Erie Otters would make a good regional rival. That team has drawn very well during their existence and Akron could have potential to do the same. Better than that would be for the Akron Zips to start up a hockey program, but I highly doubt that will happen. Given a first-class arena even a newly created team would be able to pull in some good recruits...But at the end of the day I want the Zips to be the "main" tenant of the arena. We shouldn't have to settle for second best, like a Villanova or other schools that share arena's with pro teams. To them it's almost like an away game, except for the few logos slapped on top of a generic court.
  14. Honestly I don't think the 4 players we lost will hurt us too much. The players we have coming will probably be better, and I am not worried. Let's take a look at the four we lost. McKnight was a strong presence off the bench but had his ups and downs, with a bit of an off the court issue. Not saying he's a bad person or player I just don't feel like we'll be hurting. McNees was clutch shooting and a decent pg, but I think Abreu will be able to take his place easily. Bardo hurt us more than he helped. Roberts was a good veteran presence.
  15. We have a coach. Tressel was a buckeye and a penguin. You can't wash that stench away...
  16. Look the team won 1 game all year. It wouldn't matter if they had a golf outing at Firestone, with Tiger Woods himself there. People won't go unless the team is winning. Like GP said, it's the same people that go to these golf outings and they are the same people that are ticket holders going to games. Getting rid of it makes no difference sorry to say.
  17. So wait has this been built already? or going to be built? I haven't heard or seen anything about it before...
  18. To me renovations to the JAR do not mean they are not building a new arena. If a new arena is ever built, the teams would most likely still use the JAR for practices and camps. So these additions to me are kind of irrelevant to the new arena discussion. Just like the football team uses the fieldhouse for offices and training center, the basketball teams would use the JAR.
  19. I love it how peope on this forum rip on the Buckeyes at every opportunity they can. It's hard to find something positive to say about the Zips so they resort to ripping the Buckeyes. It' actually pretty sad. Screw the Buckeyes...i enjoy every moment they fail, almost as much as I enjoy when Can't fails (which happens a lot, yet never gets old ). What is wrong with that? Now i get the whole overdoing it on the Buckeyes thing (and please let's not start that again), but honestly, OF COURSE people are going to rip on another in-state team that might as well be considered a rival, that's what fan forums are for! I guess not all of us are sick and tired of having them shoved down our throats by sports fans who are compensating for their pro teams sucking sewer water by gang banging on a team 150 miles away. I understand it from OSU alum, by all means. But most of these people never sniffed a college classroom... Do you think that is unique in Ohio? Michigan, Tenneseee, West Virginia, Penn State,...the list goes on and on. I really don't care who likes and who hates OSU on this forum or any other forum. But I laugh at those who talk about rooting for OSU but not going there as some sort of big deal. Every state has their "flagship university" when it comes to sports. Way of the world. It's a school. If you went to Hoban would you root for St. V's? But hey OSU has their own mess of problems right now...so I will enjoy seeing their "fans" suffer
  20. Want students at games? win it's that simple
  21. I liked the video clip they showed right before Infocision....The Suckeyes getting scored on! hahahah
  22. I agree about C-USA, but not A-10. Although they are a good basketball conference, we'd have to either drop down in football or become independent. There's no A-10 football...But sadly I see us in the MAC for a very long time...
  23. I wish Temple and UMass could be brought on for all sports, instead of just football. Get rid of two of the weaker MAC schools then replace with more respectable programs.
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