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Jim Tressel on staff??


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So it is ok to lie and cover up information to your employer and you still can get hired for a job? People like myself are still looking for a permanent job and Tressel gets hired. I'm just getting by with a part-time job and an internship here and there and a guy like Tressel gets a job. There are more decent people out there who would love a job like this and this jerk gets one. If this is where we are going of hiring people like Tressel then we're screwed as a society. My family threatened withdrawing support from UA with this news and I had to calm them down. It still doesn't sit well with me.

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So it is ok to lie and cover up information to your employer and you still can get hired for a job? People like myself are still looking for a permanent job and Tressel gets hired. I'm just getting by with a part-time job and an internship here and there and a guy like Tressel gets a job. There are more decent people out there who would love a job like this and this jerk gets one. If this is where we are going of hiring people like Tressel then we're screwed as a society. My family threatened withdrawing support from UA with this news and I had to calm them down. It still doesn't sit well with me.

Your mindset seems to be that Tressel is being given a job as some sort of charity gift to him.... as if he is not going provide value and benefit to earn his income.

Are you suggesting that you could do what Tressel does, as well as he can do it?

If so, I suggest you get yourself an interview and present your case

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So it is ok to lie and cover up information to your employer and you still can get hired for a job? People like myself are still looking for a permanent job and Tressel gets hired. I'm just getting by with a part-time job and an internship here and there and a guy like Tressel gets a job. There are more decent people out there who would love a job like this and this jerk gets one. If this is where we are going of hiring people like Tressel then we're screwed as a society. My family threatened withdrawing support from UA with this news and I had to calm them down. It still doesn't sit well with me.

Why don't you continue to improve your resume instead of posting envious/hateful comments on a collegiate message board?

Tressel is widely respected throughout the state (and wider, really) and his appointment is already paying dividends. Talk show hosts on AM radio are already talking about it and we're on the front page of a bunch of websites. This "jerk" is bringing more publicity to the university than any of the unemployed people in this area would.

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I am VERY impressed with how Proenza is approaching his 2020 plan. As stated in an earlier post, who better to highlight this plan other than Jim Tressel? Really nobody. The guy owns NEO. He has many many many many MANY connections. The job position is a complicated title for the person who can take this university to the next level, whether that be a bigger conference, new arenas, better academics, or anything else in the 2020 plan.

On a side note, on campus we now have Terry Bowden, his brother, Terrell Buckley, Jim Tressel, Keith Dambrot, Caleb Porter, Chuck Amato, and sometimes Bobby Bowden (not working here, but still will be on campus at times). Yeah, I'd say Akron is the place to be.

It must REALLY suck to go to Can't State. :screwks:

Doubled up.

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nothing to lose (but 200k$) and high potential upside to bringing in Tressel?

Joel Hammond at Crain's thinks there is indeed risk being under the NCAA's watchful eye.


There would indeed be risk being under the NCAA's watchful eye if UA planned to use Tressel in a way that violated NCAA rules.

However, I believe it's safe to say that UA has done due diligence, knows exactly what Tressel can and can't do, and plans to stay completely within the rules.

Most people continue to think of Tressel only in terms of coaching football. But his value to UA goes beyond athletics.

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There would indeed be risk being under the NCAA's watchful eye if UA planned to use Tressel in a way that violated NCAA rules.

However, I believe it's safe to say that UA has done due diligence, knows exactly what Tressel can and can't do, and plans to stay completely within the rules.

Most people continue to think of Tressel only in terms of coaching football. But his value to UA goes beyond athletics.

Akron is getting its 15 minutes...There have to be unwritten promises to Tressel for on down the road. Maybe AD who knows. Just keep him far away from the Athletic Department for the next 5 years. We appear to have a real chance of turning the football program around. We don't need NCAA sanctions screwing that up. If he can raise money for new facilities campus wide more power to him. The guys on KNR were talking about a new fieldhouse. There is a fine line with this one. Dr. Pro, you made your splash. Don't get wet.

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I didn't watch the press conference but used to do liaison work with the University and remember meeting a guy named (I think) Ted Curtis, who had a title very similar to Vice Prez of Development or some such. It was explained to me that he was one of the primary forces behind the building of Infocision. Didn't he retire fairly recently? And if so, is Tressel sort of a grander potential force doing some of the same "development" work? He would certainly be a helluva heavyweight in such a capacity.

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I didn't watch the press conference but used to do liaison work with the University and remember meeting a guy named (I think) Ted Curtis, who had a title very similar to Vice Prez of Development or some such. It was explained to me that he was one of the primary forces behind the building of Infocision. Didn't he retire fairly recently? And if so, is Tressel sort of a grander potential force doing some of the same "development" work? He would certainly be a helluva heavyweight in such a capacity.

Ted Curtis hasn't retired to my knowledge. He was sitting behind the Akron bench at the Toledo game Wednesday night. I also saw him in the audeince on the video of the Tressel press conference today.

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Ted Curtis hasn't retired to my knowledge. He was sitting behind the Akron bench at the Toledo game Wednesday night. I also saw him in the audeince on the video of the Tressel press conference today.

Ted Curtis is still a vice president. He is in charge of facilities if I remember correctly, directed all the new buildings and pushing for new arena and conversion of the Jar into a practice facility. But that's off topic for this tread. He's still up on the UA website here

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If Dr. P is setting up what I think he may be setting up, they will need to make room next to John R. on Buchtel Common for his likeness. He's bordering on living legend status...

There's too many people posting these hints! We need to hear some specifics haha I'm interested in some of these theories. Obviously they are just based on opinions of what may happen, but I'm curious of what all of this has the potential to become.

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This move was aimed directly at combating two things: negative local perceptions and at state politicians who only have eyes for Columbus. You need something to catch their attention if you want to bring this university to its full potential and you can certainly bet this turned a lot of heads our way that are normally content to ignore us.

The national attention is nice, but it's not why we brought in JT. That's what coach Bowden is for.

I see the pieces of the plan falling into place to create something truly extraordinary.

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This move was aimed directly at combating two things: negative local perceptions and at state politicians who only have eyes for Columbus. You need something to catch their attention if you want to bring this university to its full potential and you can certainly bet this turned a lot of heads our way that are normally content to ignore us.

The national attention is nice, but it's not why we brought in JT. That's what coach Bowden is for.

I see the pieces of the plan falling into place to create something truly extraordinary.

I would think the best scenario for UA would be a new arena and conference upgrade. But sadly these are both "athletic" goals, while I feel that he will be more focused on the academic side of things due to his restrictions. Honestly I would love to see UA at least try to appeal the NCAA ruling. I'm not sure if it's even possible to do so, but I feel that even an attempt couldn't hurt since the upside would open up a whole new dimension of possibilities. I know he mentioned the arena, but will the NCAA give us a hard time about that too? since technically it is associated with athletics.

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