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Everything posted by zipdiehard

  1. Maybe at home game at Northwestern...
  2. What did Keith actually say? Bobcatattack is having a meltdown because they say he said they were positively losing him, and that he actually said "he was gone". I would be surprised if he made that kind of statement, but if he did he was way off base. The little snipets on the facebook page show him to be quite complimentary to OU. They of course are showing their usual high class in attacking him. It's no wonder the rest of the MAC hates their fans like they do.
  3. It sucks not going to the big dance, but the NIT could be a fun run. Better than previous years sitting hoping we don't get shafted out of any bid at all.
  4. Without a doubt. We won the regular season of what is probably the toughest MAC east in years. We have to remember that everyone of note except the Serb will be back, with a great recruiting class added. It should be a war next year with us, OU, BG, Toledo, Eastern, etc...
  5. ??? Is this response about us or "OUwishyouwereohiostate? If so, they have one senior and we have three.
  6. Agreed, too many easy misses against a team with ZERO inside game. Yes, the refs did make some horrendous momentum changing calls (like the phantom 3 call on the cross dresser), but we still should have beat that team by double digits. Unfortunately for the MAC, it will be one and done again. Time to regroup and make some noise in the NIT.
  7. What's up with Marla Ridenour's comment toward the bottom of this article about "not as arrogant as it seems"? I think both schools showed how much they respect they have for each other by not rubbing it in at the opponents home. She is way off base with this comment. beacon
  8. LOL. Don't know if I can blame that one on spell check! Fixed.
  9. I was reading some of that stuff over there as well. It is amazing how insecure their fans are. One idiot even thought our "Buffalo is in Canada" joke was because we didn't know it was in the U.S.! Of course to them, it is a lame joke, while their "High School" jokes from the 70's are clever. That isn't surprising when they believe they have invented every fan chant, pre game video, and band formation. Some of you that think we are bad at being little brother to OS U should read the posts over there. This actually ties into that other football thread about Akron and the MAC. We should take pride that they waste so much time on us, as winning breeds hatred. If we weren't winning in basketball all the time, they wouldn't be focusing on us.
  10. I think that we have competed fairly well overall, especially in the "minor" sports. Throw in our basketball program for the past decade. We have been in the league for 20 years, as opposed to 50+ for many other members. Since we are doing stats, let's look solely at football championships: OU: 5 in 65 years most recent was 44 years ago! Miami: 14 in 64 years Western: 2 in 64 years most recent was in '88 BG: 10 in 51 years Can't: 1 in 51 years 1972... Toledo: 10 in 51 years Central: 7 in 40 years Eastern: 1 in 40 years Ball: 5 in 39 years NI 2 in 39 years (with a few years leaving) Akron: 1 in 20 years Buffalo: 1 in 13 years We have a long way too go, but hopefully the upswing will be starting.
  11. Horrible game against a good team at their place. All those stupid shots, yet were in it at the end. Forget about it, move onto winning the MAC.
  12. Note that the ad doesn't actually mention the players name, just "DoMo"...
  13. Didn't want to start a new thread, but thought this was interesting. I was watching Middle Tennessee play and they were discussing their chances of an at large bid. They threw up a graphic regarding their quality wins. It didn't include Akron, but did include two teams with RPI's 40 and 50 points below us (Loyola of Marymount and UCLA). I know ESPN isn't the selection committee, but it goes along with what I have always said about RPI is only used to get mid level "BCS" schools in and keeping mid majors out.
  14. It's funny how both fan boards have similar posts. I do love how some of them dismiss our Miss St win like it never happened. They also talk like the MAC is such a joke when our conferences are nearly identical based on realtiime rpi. MAC: 16th, 50% of its teams are >200, 25% in the top 100, 40% in the top 150. Summit: 13th, 50% of its teams are >200, 20% in the top 100, 40% in the top 150. Our SOS is 86th and ORU's is 177th. While not a big name game, I think this is a very well matched one. On paper, the teams seem very similar, with us having a bit of a height advantage. It should be fun watching Diggs, Treadwell, and others matched up with the Morrison kid. It may come down to home court advantage. Plus, who can argue being on ESPN!
  15. For what it is worth, our machines are Vista and Windows 7. Both running Security Essentials. I was in the Akron thread on Ram nation when I got hit. I have added malawarebytes as well. It found several tracking things on ours and our kid's computers. Good program to have. We also switched over to Chrome full time, as it appears to have less vulnerabilities than IE.
  16. If more people used MACS they would be get nailed as well. Hackers and scammers aren't going to bother with MACS with such a small population of available "customers". I've read there are something like a billion Windows PCs out there. Not saying this to bash MACS, which are great computers, its just that there is just not as many out there.
  17. I feel for you. We got hit twice, and my son once, all in one week. I got hit while on "Ram-nation" after the VCU game. They are everywhere.
  18. another point about Snowball: look at the team in 2009 with him, 2010 without him, and 2011 with him. They were very mediocre without him. To me, that says a great deal about what type of player he is, especially on a large team sport like football.
  19. I agree with wadszip assessment on Snowball. I live in Wadsworth as well and have seen him play numerous times. He carried the team for the past few years, especially when you considered that he had no passing QB threat. Opposing teams loaded up the line against him, yet he produced. He had a solid line, but they weren't overly big. Even though I believe he will end up at a Mount Union or Ashland, I think he has D1 skills. Not to hijack the thread, but I'm not as sold on Martice Jackson though. I find him slow to the hole which will doom him at the college level. He isn't overly tall either. Granted, he is only a sophomore, and could grow. I don't know if they are behind him, but he has had discipline issues in the past as well.
  20. The college of tie dye may have to look elsewhere for funds...
  21. and more: Visit My Website I was snooping over at Bobcat Attack and someone on there said this "writer" is a huge MAC hater. I laugh how we are inferior despite there best post season in 10 yeares is the college insider tourney last year.
  22. I think name goes a long way in the eyes of the selection commitee. Most of the big school commitee members don't have a clue who most of the mid majors even are, and could really care less if they even get in. VCU, however, has that "what have you done for me lately" standing. RPI only helps the mid level, double digit loss big schools get in. RPI has Ohio at 36 and Michigan at 48, with SOS about the same. If the season ended today, who's getting in?
  23. "But I can't shake the sense that the Zips really let a good resume win sneak out the back door. " My feelings exactly! Even with our overall record, tourney selection judges would have noticed a top 20 win and a win against a previous year's final four team. MAC teams MUST have these kind of wins to get consideration or better seeding. Another thread deals with OU's fast start. Even with a solid SOS, their lack of a "name" win will ultimately hurt them. The big boys on the selection commitee only use SOS to help the big schools or eliminate the small schools. Sorry, but OU would have gotten more notice beating a dreg Big 10(11,12,13?) school than their wins over good Marshall and NI teams.
  24. I want to offer my apologies! This team is for real NOW! They beat a TOUGH team by 8 points! I'm surprised Kennishaw State isn't ranked yet with those 3 wins!!! Final Four match-up in March baby! Dude, didn't OU blast Akron twice last year? And got a sweet college insider tourney bid for their efforts...
  25. Good points, all. Hey Districtballer: I was on RamNation this morning and got hit with a nasty "fake virus protection" virus. Might want to have someone check to see if others got hit as well. It literally happened while I was in the Akron game forum.
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