Here is the problem with your post:Most of the people who grow up in this state north of Columbus was at one point or another a Buckeye fan. In fact, we will probably have some curiosity on how the Buckeyes are doing regardless of what MAC team we root for.However, the problem with Buckeye fan is this understanding that we are on 2 separate levels of competition. Yes, the Big 10 and the MAC are different conferences and the Big 10 fields better teams with more national exposure. But the last time I checked, it's still Division 1 athletics. I can't stand Buckeye fan referring to MAC schools as second tier. True, they have dominated the MAC in football, but basketball is different because they don't play the MAC for reasons I can't fathom. (Well, I can, Toledo beat them in 1998 ) For so long this state has worshipped Ohio State and will continue to do so until a MAC team beats them consistently. As a Buckeye fan, you need to understand that there are those of us who really don't care about OSU anymore. Most MAC fans now hate OSU and other big name schools because of a lack of respect. I'm glad you like both Akron and OSU and their is no problem rooting for both schools. But, remember that MAC fans don't consider themselves second tier to OSU. As I heard a guy on radio said, "one day a MAC team will beat OSU in football and this state will finally respect the MAC." Until this happens, you have a right to be somewhat cocky to a certain degree. You just need to remember that not everyone in Ohio cares about OSU. Leave the gear at home during MAC contests, and keep the Buckeye talk to their own message boards. Otherwise, we'll be fine with you.