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Everything posted by Hilltopper

  1. You need a better lawyer. https://fox8.com/2019/04/10/woman-sues-houston-astros-for-1-million-because-she-says-t-shirt-cannon-broke-her-finger/
  2. Blind squirrel theory. In baseball on any given day.
  3. Toles is not a point guard. Never ever. Ever.
  4. Not likely. X is more of a small forward.
  5. The key to beating Buffalo is preventing Perkins from dominating the paint. If we prevent Perkins from receiving the ball low left block it turns the bulls into a much weaker team. This has to be done without any help for his defender. The Bulls will try and create mismatches that will force the Zips into a double team. If that happens look for Perkins to kick the ball back out to an open shooter. Once they have the defense scrambled they get most of their offensive rebounds which also result in open 3's. When they played us at the JAR for what ever reason, Oates thought he could use Harris to exploit what he thought was a defensive weakness in Utomi. That strategy almost cost them the game that night. I doubt we will see that again. Massenberg will get his points but the key is limiting Perkins.
  6. Drinking during the week again?!
  7. A photo from my trip to Buffalo last week.
  8. If you think ours are bad you need to check out the rest of the MAC.
  9. Big news for the program today. Great work by Tim Faix to secure this donation.
  10. He held Miami's leading scorer to 1-8 from the field and had 7 rebounds and 7 assists. I hope he plays this bad all the time.
  11. It never happened. Joe and I have been friends for over 30 years.
  12. Any Idea what happened to Leo Chappel? I heard he isn't with the program any longer.
  13. You should really cut back on drinking during the week.
  14. He landed on Utomi's foot and turned his ankle.
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