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Everything posted by bUAkronG

  1. I dunno why, but a third matchup with Can't worries me. I'd rather take the Broncos.
  2. I'm in the same boat as you. And I was also wondering about the Winking Lizard, too.
  3. I just want something within walking distance of the Q. What fits the bill there?
  4. Carpooling to the game with UAZipsMan... I don't see why we wouldn't stop up here and get a little buzz before heading over t the game!
  5. I've been training with 23oz curls this offseason. You can see part of my training regiment in the beer thread.
  6. I didn't want to say anything early, but I am considering coming in as a walk-on to the tailgating team this fall.
  7. Glad I kept faith in this team. Gritty performance tonight. See you all next week!
  8. Really? Which team are you talking about? Cuz as far as I'm concerned you're not an Akron fan anymore.
  9. I wish I would have posted this when we were behind, but I think the refs have done a decent job to tonight. A few questionable calls(both ways) but that's to be expected.
  10. Sure, post up your email. I'll be the first one to tell you to root for another team and stop being a fair weather fan.
  11. How many traveling calls are we going to see tonight? Zips need to pick it up.
  12. Oh god. Btw here's the link: http://tinyurl.com/23mqeqa
  13. That is the only issue I noticed, not turning Frenchy back on right away after timeouts!
  14. I watched the entire game with little to no issues on the feed....
  15. definitely! Let us know when you do try them what you think of them! yeah it's pretty good! Would recommend it. Had the Rogue Oatmeal Stout tonight. Here's my review: 4.6/5 look: 5 | smell: 4 | taste: 5 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.5 Poured from a 22oz bottle into a pint glass. Appearance: pours thick, black as night with a light brown finger and a half head. Smell: roasted malts and coffee! Not a very strong smell, though. Taste: strong coffee and roasted malts. Very good taste. Alcohol taste lingers at the end. Mouthfeel: thick in the mouth with a lot of carbonation Overall: the more I drink the lower the score gets, unfortunately. The carbonation is off-putting to me. Still a great beer, though. I wouldn't hesitate to get it again.
  16. It probably won't mean much at this point, but the white haired ref is having an awful go of officiating today. I still have faith in this team, they seem to play excellent in the Q.
  17. 35.3 left in the first half and I've had sound for the last 5 minutes and no lags in video.
  18. I've started reviewing on BeerAdvocate so I'll just copy my reviews over here. Avery Brewing Maharaja 4.58/5 look: 4 | smell: 5 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4.5 Poured from a 22oz into a pint glass. Appearance: golden orange pour with minimal white head. Smell: extreme hop scent with citrus undertones Taste: powerful, hoppy taste, not too strong for 10.39% ABV. Mouthfeel: typical IPA, a little bit of retaining in your mouth though. Overall: pretty good IPA. Would have again. North Coast Old Rasputin 4.63/5 look: 5 | smell: 5 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4.5 Appearance: pours completely jet black with a two finger tan head. Very thick pour. I personally love a thick beer so this has a lot of appeal to me. Smell: Roasted malts, chocolate, a bit of vanilla maybe? Taste: this doesn't hit like some of the 9.0% beers I've had in the past. Really pleasing taste of roasted malts and hints of vanilla. Mouthfeel: as said earlier, this beer is thick. You can really feel the thickness, but it still goes down smooth. Overall: this beer is pretty good, I am going to enjoy drinking the other three in the pack.
  19. so my roommate had never been to the new and improved Giant Eagle on Howe Ave. We came home with 13 22oz bottles and a 4 pack lol My set: his set: In total 3 x Lager Heads Brewing Company Savage Stout (local NE Ohio Brewery, was $3.99 for a 22oz; he bought two I bought one) 2 x Avery Maharaja Imperial IPA (one for each of us) 2 x Rogue Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout (one for each of us) 1 x Green Flash Imperial IPA 1 x Stone Ruination Imperial IPA 1 x DORIS the Destroyer Double Imperial Stout 1 x 4pk North Coast Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout 1 x Stone Vertical Epic Ale 1 x Stone Old Guardian Barley Wine 1 x Dogfish Head Noble Rot The only one I've had is Stone Ruination. It is probably my favorite beer, and we will have to see how the other Imperial IPAs purchased match up to it. I'll report back as I try each.
  20. That's what my buddy got that was with me. I'll have to try that next time.
  21. Last week I went to Thirsty Dog on Thursday as I was tipped off to the fact that on Thursdays they have growlers for $8 instead of the usual $10. This doesn't include the $5 purchase of the growler itself. I got a growler of Old Leghumper-my gave from the 'Dog But while I was there I had a pint of their "Hoppus Maximus" IPA. It was pretty good, nothing to write home about. Just your standard IPA. But I also had a sample of their Bourbon Barrel Aged Siberian Night Russian Imperial Stout. The regular Siberian Night is a pretty strong RIS coming in at 9.7% ABV, and it hits as such, but the BBA Siberian Night is potent! I was glad I only got a sampler as a pint would have been too much for my pallette. I recommend it if you're feeling ballsy, but you can probably only get it right from the tasting room at Thirsty Dog. Does anyone know if Hoppin Frog has a tasting room?
  22. I went to a game earlier this season, I believe it was Dagilis' first game for them. My buddy I grew up with playing soccer plays for the team.
  23. I was wondering why the street between the stadium and field house wasn't named after any former player.
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