I've started reviewing on BeerAdvocate so I'll just copy my reviews over here.
Avery Brewing Maharaja
look: 4 | smell: 5 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4.5
Poured from a 22oz into a pint glass.
Appearance: golden orange pour with minimal white head.
Smell: extreme hop scent with citrus undertones
Taste: powerful, hoppy taste, not too strong for 10.39% ABV.
Mouthfeel: typical IPA, a little bit of retaining in your mouth though.
Overall: pretty good IPA. Would have again.
North Coast Old Rasputin
look: 5 | smell: 5 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4.5
Appearance: pours completely jet black with a two finger tan head. Very thick pour. I personally love a thick beer so this has a lot of appeal to me.
Smell: Roasted malts, chocolate, a bit of vanilla maybe?
Taste: this doesn't hit like some of the 9.0% beers I've had in the past. Really pleasing taste of roasted malts and hints of vanilla.
Mouthfeel: as said earlier, this beer is thick. You can really feel the thickness, but it still goes down smooth.
Overall: this beer is pretty good, I am going to enjoy drinking the other three in the pack.