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ZippyRulz last won the day on July 30 2024

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    Wayne Co.

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  1. probably just a matter of time before one of the lesser conference champs declines their spot in the NCAAT to participate in one of the mid-major tourneys. KSU is arguably having more fun in the postseason than what we did.
  2. Has Goodyear or Firestone ever contributed to Zips athletics?
  3. Would it be easier to just list the MAC players who are not entering the TP?
  4. It sure would be nice to be a 12 or 11 seed playing a 5 or 6 seed. Hopefully we can get there.
  5. looks like 12 seed mcneese beat 5 seed Clemson
  6. https://www.sportingnews.com/us/ncaa-basketball/news/arizona-akron-march-madness-bracket-pick/b0c1da0fa5f3adaec48e71b1
  7. It's too bad the Quaker Oats Co. isn't interested in preserving that part of its history. But it's true that more / decent / affordable housing in walkable settings is needed.
  8. First explicit mention of an agent that I remember seeing but I guess it's the norm now.
  9. Battle of the 'A' logos. Theirs is busy and abstract.. 😝
  10. We're actually on top if you factor in no. of years in the league.
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