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  1. I don't think P4s pay schools like Akron, at least not very often.
  2. I don't know if it has much to do with being scared or not. I would imagine @ZipsFan31 is correct regarding the payment. I'm just saying that Bud Wentz has blatantly told Zips fans we've tried for bigger opponents, but they don't want to play us - whether that be risk assessment, payment terms, scheduling terms, etc.
  3. Didn't Bud Wentz say that Kansas and other programs alike told us no?
  4. I don't know what the plan is for the Akron Basketball Classic, but year 1 saw 4 competitive teams with 0 name interest. If that can be pitched to more recognizable programs, the ABC could be an answer to our prayers.
  5. This. Whole team commits to coming back - no way in hell they didn't get reassurance & commitment from Groce. This is a public play for the University and community to continue to support the program.
  6. We have one scholarship open at the moment. Everything I've heard is it's being used on a Big Ten big man. No idea what our plan is once the scholarship limit goes up to 15 but here's an option - Eric's brother.
  7. Xavier is looking at bringing back Chris Mack. Drake's coach is already going to Iowa. WVU and Nova are the two main jobs left.
  8. Potter, Cooper, Craft in the Portal for Miami OH. So much for unfinished business. Anquan Boldin Jr in the Portal for Canada.
  9. Ben Nicol & Elmore James portaling for Ohio. Also, according to Bobcat Attack, Mekhi Cooper of Fiami will be portaling.
  10. Wow - I had no idea. I wonder how many more years that will last if they're mainly covering costs for mid majors. Damn, that was the one silver lining for me with their NIT bid/run.
  11. I wonder if Sendy is trying to use this tourney to drum up some NIL/donor support. For being a poverty program (based on his crying about Akron's NIL), they sure are ok with shelling out tons of money for this travel. They head to Chicago next to face Loyola Chicago, who spared Kent from going back out to California by beating San Francisco.
  12. I saw it a year or two ago with another conference (Horizon maybe?). It's rare, it's odd, but it has happened before if I'm not mistaken.
  13. Kent is losing everyone to graduation. While we don't know if they'll lose any additional players to the portal yet (Go Stanford), they'll already have one helluva uphill climb to retool.
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