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Everything posted by zipdiehard

  1. Thanks. OSU was only being used as an example of how the threads go off topic. Can't remarks are another one, as are OU, Lebron, etc..
  2. Insults...it goes without saying. OSWho bashing?....were Zips fans. How do you think it would go over if you went to a Duke site and asked them to stop cutting on UNC? Please check the title of this post... I was refering to the numerous unrelated OSU bashes that pop up and then take over a post.
  3. I agree 100%. Wading through six pages of insults and OSU rants gets old fast. We sometimes don't get 4 or 5 comments in before it spins wildly out of control.
  4. And Gavin didn't win a national championship And we're not Akron University Appears they already fixed it...
  5. For what it is worth, here is his football info from Rivals: Pro-style quarterback Elida, Ohio Elida Ht:6'6" Wt:190 lbs 40:4.9 secs Bench Max:185 Squat Max:300 Vertical:30 inches GPA:3.7 ACT:22 Class:2012 (High School) His GPA seems to indicate another solid kid.
  6. Does this officially start the "It's a trap" thread?
  7. and the best part is you can make non factual general statements about politicians and others will agree with you!
  8. My wife and I ran into him at Borders recently. He did look in great shape. He is a very nice person, and really seemed to be flattered that we remembered who he was.
  9. For what its worth, it was under the Akron-ND thread. It was in response to discussing Nik leaving. RE: Akron-ND Posted: 3/19/2011 12:36:20 PM Bobcat Dragon wrote: Well, he was asked today if he's coming back. His response was, "No comment." It's not a done deal, but the indications are he's leaving. They have Dakotah Euton, who has potential. I'd play him over Egner right now... Pretty sure Dakotah is heading closer to home.also.
  10. I was a "trollin" on bobcat attack, and someone on their commented that they heard Euton was transfering closer to home. Of course, no details. Anyone heard this same rumor?
  11. I'm most concerned with D Rob and AA. This could be a really rough game for them. AA might cause some problems on the other end, as long as our bigs roll to basket when he penetrates. I'm thinking we will see a heavy dose of the three Mc'S in together. You can add Diggs to that mix as well.
  12. O.K., I've been waiting for someone else to say this: "Akron U"? I can expect it from LJ, but not from Dru...
  13. Thanks. I just used the green "insert link" button. Guess that doesn't work.
  14. hope I do this correctly. never added a link before... Edit: I (Dr Z) fixed it for you. Here is a How To. Other technical support how to's
  15. I think you are correct. I saw it this morning, but the one on the internet was easier to read.
  16. Saw an ad on ESPN this morning about ways people pick their teams. One part had a little girl with one of those paper flip things, and when she opened it, it said Akron.
  17. I assume this hinges on you getting a ticket as well?
  18. Looking at ND's schedule, they do seem to be a fest or famine type of team. They were blown out in all but one of their losses, and also blew a number of people out. This probably is a result of them supposedly being a 3 pt. do or die team. According to Real Time RPI, ND should win by 9. I definetly think the Zips can hang with them, but beating them will be a tall order. Hopefully the Irish will have a little too much fun on St. Patrick's Day.
  19. Stupid question: when did they change the date of the game? I'm staring at the schedule poster and it shows March 5th, which is Saturday. did it have to do with ESPN2?
  20. Have to ask; what is the reason Nik may leave?
  21. Doesn't do much good until 1350 increases their signal. Get much past Barberton and you lose the station. Friends towards Canton lose it as well.
  22. The award really appears to be for community service and AFCA involvement (hence the award giver). "The Assistant Coach of the Year award was first presented in 1997 and was created to honor assistant coaches who excel in community service, commitment to the student-athlete, on-field coaching success and AFCA professional organization involvement." He seems like an upstanding guy, but that has zero to do with on the field coaching (can you say Jerry Faust). There were probably numerous more qualified guys that the Zips passed on for whatever reason. BG didn't hire him either. Other than the OSU bias in this state, I'm not sure why his name keeps coming up with so much passion on this board, especially since none us can credibly say whether or not he is a good coach or would be one.
  23. Numbers do speak for themselves... We were 1-7 at this time last year, and finished 3-9 with our wins coming over Morgan, winless E Mich, and Can't. We lost a bunch of senior skill position people, and didn't have much talent coming back. No matter who the coach was, we were going to suck. I guess people had some really high expectations with the way they are screaming about Icoach. While always wanting the best, I was realistically hoping we would just match last year's win total.
  24. Thanks for all the information. We ended up going. Someone gave us a buy one get one free ticket for the $26 seats. Of course the girl at the ticket both stuck us right behind the TV cameras! The section was half empty, but she still put us and four other people there. We all move, so it worked out. You get a different perspective in a large stadium like that. I have to give it to the Crew fans, as they made noise all night despite getting trounced.
  25. Thinking of heading down Saturday night to cheer on Steve Z. I've never been to Crew Stadium. Do they sell out? Are walk up tickets generally available? How early before game time should we get there? Any info would be great. Thanks
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