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  1. I found out a few years back that the sophisticated folks of the ACC don't drink like Midwesterners. I'll be prepared for the judgmental stares this time. GO ZIPS
  2. Looks like Memphis, Liberty, San Diego St., and Boise are the only non-P5 schools in Tier 2. Honestly the payments are unnecessary as being in the game gives invaluable exposure to your program. I just hope EA Sports isn't also using these tiers to determine the amount of thought and detail they give your school in the game when it comes to the stadium, traditions, band songs, etc.
  3. Even running in the red, a Division 1 football and basketball program is the cheapest form of national advertising a school can buy. But that's also why it's important to win. What you're advertising matters.
  4. This may in fact be the worst recruiting class in our Division 1-A era. And that my friends is saying something.
  5. BG ends the half blocking a FG for a TD, taking it from potential 27-7 at half to 24-14. Huge.
  6. Bowling Green getting absolutely pummeled by Liberty
  7. Please enlighten us on the basic fact that is wrong. I'm sure you disagree with the headline, but he was a coaching icon for that area of Ohio through his time as a high school head coach and almost twenty years as a consistent winner at Ashland.
  8. Of all the great public and private football schools in NEO.... Joe sends his kid to Hawken??
  9. I now live about an hour and a half outside of Lynchburg and plan to drive in for this game. Any other Zips fans plan to attend? I brought my daughter to Liberty for a track meet last year and their campus and athletic facilities are out of this world. Beautiful surrounding area too if you're into mountains and hiking. I don't know much about their team other than they finished the year as a top 25 team in 2020 and their QB from last year was drafted in the 3rd round. I did a little research on their fan site. Looks like Charlie Brewer, who was a 4-year starter at Baylor, transferred in and was set to be their starter this year but went out for the season their first series of the season. They're now down to their 3rd string QB, which is the guy that played against Wake, Kaidon Salter, a former 4-star recruit. Looking at their schedule, Southern Miss taking them into OT gives me some hope, but a win over UAB and a stupid coaching decision away from a win over Wake Forest doesn't bode well for our rebuilding Zips. Regardless, I'll be there rocking my blue and gold, so if anyone else is coming down and wants to link up, let me know!
  10. I was there in 2012, Bowden's first year, when we jumped out to a 7-0 lead on a pick six, took the lead 23-20 in the second quarter on 70 yard run by Quentin Hines, and were only down 30-26 into the 4th quarter. I felt like I was the only Zips fan in the entire stadium that day (went with some Vol fan friends) and boy was I making some noise. They pulled away at the end for a final that didn't reflect how close the game was, but man, 100,000 people dead silent listening to you go nuts is an incredible feeling.
  11. Irons has a lot of physical tools. That's about the only good thing I can say about him at this point. Kid needs coaching I was hoping he would get with the new staff. Maybe he's beyond help.
  12. It would be nice to have a couple games to build on the momentum of winning in thrilling fashion, even if it was against a very bad team. Unfortunately that's not what the schedule holds. We are going to get absolutely throttled on the road the next three weeks. I just hope Joe can keep the guys heads up through it looking forward to game we should win against BG.
  13. Give me a break man. I'm optimistic for the future of Zips football, but we are going to be nowhere near ready to compete with a team like Army next year, much less Tennessee. This is a process. We'll be lucky to approach .500 in MAC play next year. Get back down to earth and let the new staff build the program.
  14. I'm very pessimistic as to whether we will ever play football at the FBS level again. I think this will end up being the excuse the administrators needed to be done with the giant black hole of major NCAA athletics.
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