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Everything posted by ZachTheZip

  1. Can't moves the ball 75 yards down the field and fumbled on our 6 yard line because
  2. Well, here is what I have been seeing so far. The community around Akron is finally talking about the Zips. Although OSU still dominates college football talk, we are at least getting some attention (thank you ABJ). On campus is another story, though. I still see more students with OSU shirts than there should be (about 10 per day). Just today, I saw 5 different people wearing Can't State shirts! That made me sick. If I wasn't in a hurry, I would have scared them silly. More students care about athletics now than ever before, but we still have a LONG way to go.
  3. Sorry. I forgot to take into consideration that you might be from out of town. GP1's directions would probably be best if that is the case.
  4. The stadium is located off state Route 261. Go to Tallmadge circle and follow it heading northeast. Turn right on to Summit Street It is on your left.Another way you could go there is get on route 59 heading east and go through the city of Can't and follow the signs.
  5. I hear he's actually "Bobbyake?" I thought he was sgm405?
  6. If you look at the competition Can't has played against thus far, you will see that they are much worse than their record shows. They lost to Army, and beat a winless Miami and a horrible BGSU, and got destroyed in their only game against a "quality" opponent.On the other hand, We have face only "quality" opponents so far this year. We had a competitive showing at Penn State (in a hurricane, no less), We beat NC State who just beat Boston College, We should have won at CMU, and We beat North Texas, who has been to 4 bowl games in the last 5 years ann will probably be Sun Belt Champs.Can't doesn't stand a chance on saturday. Their two wins were against sucky teams, they haven't face a balanced offensive team all year, and last but not least, !
  7. Cool. That is some serious free publicity. Akron is finally getting national media attention. This helps recruiting, and we had better capitalise on the opportunity.
  8. That is one awesome recruiting class. Many of them will have to step up after this year since Romeo and Dru will graduating.
  9. YOU MUST HAVE A LOT OF TIME ON YOUR HANDS TO GET A NAME ON OUR MESSAGE BOARD AND TRY TO TRASH TALK US MAKE SOME TIME FOR YOURSELF TO MAKE SURE YOU CAN READ, AND WRITE! AND SIT ON YOUR COUCH WATCH FSN ON YOUR 12 INCH TV AND WATCH THE ZIPS POUND YOUR ASS!!!! actually I got this name last year for the BBall games. But still Screw the Roo! We'll see on saturday when the final tick of the clock comes to an end, who the better team is. And if K E N T does happen to lose, I will eat crow. If Akron does win, I will offer my congrats and hope they win out, happy? good. I hope you like crow.
  10. Ugh. I think I'm going to be sick. There's just too much stupidity all in one place for me to read it.
  11. I can't confirm, but I also heard rumors of this. If they are true, a hurt Igor will still be better than what we have. We also need a new longsnapper. Those bad snaps are killing us. If those two things happen, then our special teams will hopefully be good enough to keep us in close games. Harvey on the returning team is a huge plus! He is quickly becoming a superstar.
  12. The bleachers are like that through out the stadium. Those blue covers that were attached to the original wooden seats are all that is left in some places. the wood has completely rotted away. I noticed several rows that had new wooden bleachers. It looks like they were attached yesterday because I still see and even smell the sawdust.
  13. Who made the last punt of the game for the Zips. My understanding is that it wasn't Stec. Whoever it was should get the starting job because it was londer than both of Stec's punts combined.
  14. Had a little too much to drink there , bobbyake?
  15. Just got back from the game, here are some random post-game thoughts. I was really happy with the way the back-ups played. Aaris Reed was in for a few carries, The only thing that suprised me was no back-up QB that I saw. The RB from NT is a very good player. I see him getting 2,000 yards sometime in his career. Blocked punts are not good. Goal-line defense is not bad at all. Is it just me, or was Kasperek getting some time on defense? Can't State looks like the real deal, but I still say . The bleachers in the student-section are pretty messed up. They could be tarped soon. 16,000 people showed up ; not bad, but not that good. Without the High-school bands there would have been a pretty dissapointing turnout. That Drum Major guy was awesome during halftime. I'll put up more thoughts after I can think straight (probably tomorrow). Oh, and thank God for no rain!
  16. Good news. I just found someone to cover at work. Looks like I'll see everyone in the tailgate lot after all. I'll be wearing a blue #32 jersey I picked up at a thrift store for $2. STILL BRAND NEW. If it's raining I will be wearing a camo-hat, but I hope it doesn't come to that.
  17. I don't believe this crap! I just got a call from my boss who said I have to cover for a co-worker (she happens to be a Can't State student who knows how much I love Akron football) who called off. I have to work until around 5:00, so no tailgating for me. I could just all at once.
  18. OK, good news is that there won't be a steady, soaking rain. Bad news is that when it does rain, it will be bad. Really bad. Possible supercell thunderstorms, lightning, tornados (watch for flying objects )... the works. Luckily, my seats are on the east side of the stadium, so I should be able to see them coming.
  19. We are definetly going to have to do this for the game next week.
  20. Not sure when I'll get there, I am hitching a ride with some less enthusiastic fans, so mabye around 3:00. I'd be there earlier, but my car broke.
  21. Here's some info on our *cough* beloved Rubber BowlIt's location:Some shots:All seats are bleachers. All of the seats near the endzone have been covered by a tarp due to the fact that they have fallen into disrepair. There will be no plans to fix them. Light poles are on the field, so they block your view. I guarantee that they will be in your way, since you can't sit in the endzone. It is at the end of the runway of our local airport. The planes are loud and low-flying.The entire structure is over 60 years old and made of crumbling concrete.Last, but not least, it is over 3 miles from campus, and that is in a straight line. Driving there is more like 5 miles.
  22. Excellent.Here are a few tips for BBQ.Use Mesquite or Hickory.No pig (ribs & sausage are the only exception)No Vinegary sauceA proper brisket takes around 12 hours @ 200 degrees, take your time.Sides are:SlawPotato Salad (German Style)Beans Pickled Jalapenos Thick Sliced OnionMustardWhite BreadI'm getting hungry already. :angry: I don't know if I can wait until Saturday for some BBQ.
  23. Just how many sports writers cover OSU? I'm sure there are far more people covering them than Akron. I understand that Marla doesn't have a choice in what she covers, but what about the others? Or, why are there so many AP stories about OSU in the sports section? Is it just filler because there aren't enough AP stories about Akron? If that is the case, then the editors need to realize that there are more successful sports at Akron that aren't covered, such as Tennis, Rifle, Track/Cross Country, ect. If they need to fill up a given number of inches on a page, why not give recognition to those teams?
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