@TheZipCat, you missed my point. Phlogiston was a widely accepted explaination for fire. It would be laughable to most reasonable people today. It was used in our class to show that one should be open to new ideas, new information. If one is locked in on one's thinking, you will be left behind. If one becomes locked in on their thinking concerning Covid, whether it was from accepted science or from an out of context statement used by an uninformed talking head, you will be left behind! Covid is changing. Our understanding of covid must change. Our response to Covid must adapt. I think you have given us information that critical thinkers very much welcome. We are all tired of this. I'm tired of taking my trash out to the street, but if I didn't do that tonight in 2* weather, it would just pile up. Even my dog knows not to foul up his nest. One cannot put their head in the sand, and wish that change isn't happening. Please continue to help us keep up with best practices to keep us healthy. My hope is that the people making decisions affecting the young men representing us on the court make those decisions with the players best interests!